cloudiness in my max 250


my live rock just went in yesterday followed by my sand.
sand wad rinced and then put in to the tank.
all pumps and skimmer were shut down during this.

i find myself with very murky and cloudy water today??
is this normal and if yes how long does it last?

i took out all medias in my max. I only run it with small pieces of live rock under both pumps, skimmer and live rock.

i added the fine filter this moorning hoping this will help.

any other things i shoud do?


Well-Known Member
JOHNY - hang in there, all sounds normal, it will clear soon... I would suggest running the black filter & a finer blue/white one on top of that.
also... point one pump up to obtain a surface ripple & the other down mid-way...
i have the same problem for about 6 weeks now and can't figure out how to get rid of the cloudiness. It was suggested to me to try the Kent Marine Pro Water Clarify. I will let you know as soon as I see results.


Just give it some time and do run your skimmer and run filter floss and change it often. I change mine nearly every day. It amazes me every time I pull the floss out how dirty it is.


water is crystal clear. Thanx guys. i added the fine filter and charcoal and it took 2 days water is cleaaaaannnn!