Brown Hair Algae


New Member
I have some brown hair algae growing on one rock and my CUC won't touch it!

Any idea what the best way to get rid of this stuff is? Any idea what it is exactly?

I have a 50g about 3 months old with 2 clown fish, 3 turbos, a handful of nassarius snails, a few ceriths and probably 5 hermits.

Water parameters are all good and I'm using ro/di water.

Any help is appreciated!




I would suggest that you check your parameter, with that much algae something is out of wacked, I would start with getting the water tested at your LFS or get a different test kit to test your water. That should get you started.


How long has your tank been set up for? New aquariums often have alage blooms. In older aquariums,algae problems are usually caused by aquarium water with excess nutrients like phosphate, nitrates etc. You can try and siphon out what you can to remove the algae in the short term. In the long term you may have to examine how you care for your tank. There are some commercial dry foods also contain excess nutrients and other undesirable things like nitrates, phosphates etc so I strain/rinse my fresh/frozen foods before feeding my tank. You may want to consider feeding your fish less often. Also using RO/DI water and a high quality salt with little if any NO3, phosphates etc like Tropic Marin will really help too. Adding a phosphate remover and increasing flow in your tank may help too.
I recently started an Indo-Pacific tank and added some electric blue hermits. Man these guys are sweet...They go right to work on the hair algae. I would try those guys but of course water params are a must or you will have a continuing battle..I am going through it right now and feel ya!