Anybody got a clue?


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what it is,
A candidate for the next round robin frag swap!
Cool looking thingy!

Looks like an imature anemone of some sort.


are u sure its not a type of softcoral? iv seen some weird soft corals over the years iv been working on salt water tanks.


Well-Known Member
Boomer, what is your secret?
Are you psychic?
Is there anything you don't know?
What will he think of next!?

Tune in next week for another exciting episode of name that polyp!
Also known as Stump that Boomer! lol


Reef Sanctuary's Mr. Wizard

The secret is being in this hobby 40 years and majoring in Zoology and Biology for 5 years( not degree though). But the really big secret is having a $30,000 library in my house. I see something, "yeah, I know what that is, it is in this book" And I may not even know its name at the time. And I have a short memory nowadays, so if I ID something last week I may have to look it up again this week :)

Also known as Stump that Boomer! lol

We actually had a game like that here. I won :) Someone posted a pic and and you were suppose to figure out what it was ? I was even told by PM you can't know what that is :lol: But I did :D Want to start a new game ?? Here is the old game. I also teach how to do a search to ID things on the internet


Well-Known Member
If I can ever find anything that comes even close to those unusual creatures I'll post it in that thread. Some cool critters in there.