Any Turtle experts here? ID this guy for me and tell me what to do with him.


I spoke too soon. We are down to one GF and he's patiently waiting for goldy to come out from behind the filter. LOL




This is a (dorky) pic of me setting a snapper free just a couple weeks ago. She'd been found on the road, so we let her go back along a river.

And yeah, you can definitely keep them as a pet. If you've got a strong stomach, google "snapping turtle eating mouse GIF", that's the first thing that came to mind when I saw your pic. It's a bit more graphic than I feel I should post on here, otherwise I would've.

Have fun!

Quentin that thing looks like it wants to tear your hand off. LOL No way am I picking one up that big. I use my super long grill tongs to pick this little guy.


Oh yeah, he wasn't happy. We had to distract him with a stick while I picked him up. It doesn't show well in the picture, but I was actually holding him on the back side of his shell - right in front of his hind legs. Any further up and they can whip around and get ya.

Your turtle looks just pretty content in his new home, I'm sure he's loving the snacks! Does he get up on that platform at all? I think they spend a good amount of time in the water, but it's good to give him the opportunity to get out :D


He has been in the water since i put him in there. He loves the water thats for sure. I hope he can figure out how to climb up on the platform to sleep. I feel bad for the last little goldfish though. He has narrowly escaped being lunch a few times and I am sure he won't be there by morning. Robin (my fiance) says no more goldfish for him because it's mean. LOL He hasn't bothered the snails yet.


I'm actually not sure what he'd eat that doesn't move... What would she think of him eating minnows? Those are dirt cheap, that's what I'd be using I guess.


They do LOVE the water but they have to get out now and again. I've heard (From a couple of different sources) that often times when kept as pets they don't get out of the water enough and or the water isn't changed enough and they'll get some kind of infection/sore on their feet.

I fed "Snappy" a range of goldfish, minnows, worms, grasshoppers, crickets, moths, about anything meaty. I offered fruits & veggies but he/she never really cared for anything that didn't wiggle around. I didn't feed her/him but about couple of days and it seemed to work out great.


And yeah, you can definitely keep them as a pet. If you've got a strong stomach, google "snapping turtle eating mouse GIF", that's the first thing that came to mind when I saw your pic. It's a bit more graphic than I feel I should post on here, otherwise I would've.Have fun!

Holy Cow! Man that was an understatement! LOL! I never would have thought about using rats! I need another one now!! WOW!


I went fishing today and decided to set Snappy free. Got a vid of it. I'll miss ya Snapples. Hope you're happy in the lake.



Thanks Terry. Yea I figured if I was a turtle I would prefer a few miles of lake rather than a 10 gallon aquarium. ;)