Alternate ways of fragging Xenia


Well-Known Member
HI Stace.. I do the rubble trick with mushrooms as well. Actually last time you gave me xenia I did the same thing with that.. It attached itself to some rubble... Well the long waite ended as soon as I added the xenia to my tank a blasted damsel pulled it right off... Sooooo now the damsel is in the fuge and Im hoping I can get it going again... Cant waite to see you on Sunday Stace...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have no fish string, what about white thread??

If not--Vicki, you might be stuck with un attached Xenia too, I know.. I'm a PITA


I keep extra rubble dry and then slice with a razor blade, dab the bottom of the xenia or softir as dry as possible with a paper towl and then supper glue. 9 times out of 10 it works.