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  1. Takeuchi akira

    Mandarin dragonet acting strange

    I have a female mandarin dragonet for almost 2 years and this week,she's been acting quite strange. She'll stay In a small corner where she can see her own reflection and swim around facing the glass for hours, it's been going on for almost a week, should I be worried?
  2. Takeuchi akira

    Coral banded shrimp hunt copepods?

    Hi, I was just wondering whether anyone knows if coral banded shrimps eat and hunt down copepods, I was only concern with this because everywhere I read that this shrimp will only scavenge and eat small shrimps....the LFS also mention that she won't eat pods Observed for awhile yesterday and...
  3. Takeuchi akira

    Mixing coral gobies?

    Just wondering has anyone tried keeping multiple coral gobies but different variations like 1 yellow and one green coral goby in the same tank?
  4. Takeuchi akira

    What's your favorite fish :)

    Just wondering what's your favorite fish? Mines the mandarin dragonet~
  5. Takeuchi akira

    What fish to finish off my Red Sea max 130?

    I'm thinking of what fish to finish my Red Sea 130 with~ I'm deciding between •royal gramma basslet •purple tang •anthias? Or something else~ Umm how do I post a poll...:confused:
  6. Takeuchi akira


    I'm currently setting up a 10 gal nano, I was wondering, are purple decora gobies a good fish to start with in a 10 gal? My LFS says that they do better in established tanks? This is my first post, sorry if I've made any mistakes in it~