YellowTail Blue Damsal Fish


Social Media Moderator
I have to jump in and advise against the blue or green chromis as they are also part of the damsel family. I recently added some to my tank and they all beat the crap out of each other until only one was left. It was like watching Highlander in my tank, but without the cool swords. And they're listed as peaceful, friendly fish! Sure, with other species, but not with each other!


New Member
i have 2 chromis and 1 yellow tail...yesterday we added 2 3 striped damsels. the yellow tail tried to be the bully to the new they are all fine. tankmates also include yellow tang, cinnamon clown, scooter blenny, 2-4 emerald crabs, coral banded shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. Beautiful tank to watch


Princess Diana
i have 2 chromis and 1 yellow tail...yesterday we added 2 3 striped damsels. the yellow tail tried to be the bully to the new they are all fine. tankmates also include yellow tang, cinnamon clown, scooter blenny, 2-4 emerald crabs, coral banded shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. Beautiful tank to watch

Hi Luke :wave:
:welcomera Welcome to Reef Sanctuary!
After 5 posts you can post pictures. I'd be nice to see pictures of your tank & fish! WE L:heart:VE PICTURES :D
I had a damsel dominate tank (135g) at one time years ago & they are beautiful fish.
Thanks for posting....hope to see more posts from you :)


Active Member
Yep, they are very hardy! And yes, they can get very territorial as soon as you begin adding more fish to your tank. The first fish I ever bought was a blue damsel, at first he was very territorial and agressive, but not anymore. Hes a softy now, and has survived all my tanks mishaves! Very hardy. I think it'll be a great addition to your tank! And theyre very nice too :)