yellow shrimpgoby might die. help me


I just put in a yellow shrimpgoby into my tank and my picasso trigger bit it right above the tail. I removed the goby and put him in the refugium. Will he die. he swimming well but looks like a bad bite. pm me with any ideas


Well-Known Member
If I had a picture, I might be able to tell more but you did the right thing in moving him to the fuge. Leave him there and keep an eye on him. You also learned a valuable lesson about triggerfish. You can not put them in a tank with other than aggressive fish. Now that the trigger is in your tank, it has become his tank. You risk him attacking any other fish that you introduce. Triggers are generally a good last fish to add to an aggressive tank. I wouldn't really recommend them for other than a FOWLR.

Good luck with your goby. you will probably want to find a nice new home for him if he survives. Hopefully he will.


Sorry to hear he didn't make it jcrack... I get very attached to all of my little fellows that losing one is always painful. Keep your chin up bud

oceans aces

New Member
Sorry about that man I kno its never cool to lose a tankmate but when u have a trigger in your tank its always a risk adding anything after, live and learn! I'm doubtful you'll do it again.