would this be a wise decision...?


I have a RSM250. Reef tank. I have a male and female blue throat trigger, a pair of mated percula clowns, 1 small spotted mandarin, A very small YWG with a 3/4" tiger pistol.. The clowns never leave their sacred little area.
Anyhow the top of the water column is pretty empty. So I was thinking about throwing 4 green chromis in so they will move as a school. They also usually stay high in the water column.
What do you guys think?
Unless you have a much cooler small fish that will stay in a school I am All Ears...


If it was me I wouldn't put in anymore fish. Triggers are supposed to be in at least a 70g tank and you have 2 in a 65g (if my math serves me correct) tank. I would think you are pushing the bioload for a tank of that size. Good luck with your decision.


If it was me I wouldn't put in anymore fish. Triggers are supposed to be in at least a 70g tank and you have 2 in a 65g (if my math serves me correct) tank. I would think you are pushing the bioload for a tank of that size. Good luck with your decision.

Indeed I have 2. They are lovely and they are fine and content. The male is like a freaking pet dog. Anyhow my question wasn't whether my triggers have sufficient tank size or not. The bio load is actually not all that much really for this tank and what is in it now.
But you say no,ok. Thanks for your reply big guy...
also forgot to mention that an addition is being built onto our house. Which will feature a 200 gallon Zero Edge Custom tank (water flows over 4 edges). Look down basically. It is a huge square and I get ti pick any tile or design I want around the outside bottoms. Putting a bar and all my war memorabilia etc in there. Finally My real "Man Room".
Triggers will most likely enjoy that as new home anyhow. But that has nothing to with now and my RSM 250
My best buddy's name who was lost in combat running off the back ramp of a chopper right next to me was PFC. Matthew A. Collins AKA "Trigger Happy".
So I bought those triggers for him and named the female "Ginger" after the mountain ridge we fought on and the male is "Ranger"; for the Regiment we were in. A/1/75
So, get off my triggers:threadjack: :threadjack:


The problem with any "Schooling" fish in our tanks is that schooling is a reaction to threats in the wild or the anticipation of such. In our closed loop systems we work hard to remove that from our tanks because it leads to stress and sickness. Some people get lucky with schooling fish but most don't.


New Member
I have a RSM250. Reef tank. I have a male and female blue throat trigger, a pair of mated percula clowns, 1 small spotted mandarin, A very small YWG with a 3/4" tiger pistol.. The clowns never leave their sacred little area.
Anyhow the top of the water column is pretty empty. So I was thinking about throwing 4 green chromis in so they will move as a school. They also usually stay high in the water column.
What do you guys think?
Unless you have a much cooler small fish that will stay in a school I am All Ears...

Hi mate

I currently have a 300 litre tank but will shortly be 'downgrading' ( in size only! not in quality!) to an RSM250. I have 7 green chromis - I know the blues are often considered more desirable but I love the green and the flourescent effect the give off. Anyhoo - re their behaviour - it seems it will go one of 2 ways - they will either hover around in the open space you have OR......hide in the rocks.

Mine come out mainly when they see me and want feeding - they'll even take flake from hand - but a lot of the time they are hiding in amongst the rock. I read up on it and a theory is that they are feeling threatened or one of them is sick. However, I've had them for a couple of years now, they are all clearly feeding well and are brave enough to come out to eat - if I thought they were stressed out I would re-home them. I'm interested to see how they react when I put them in my RSM - I may have to reconsider my stock levels. One theory is that my Yellow Tang is too boisterous so I may move her over last - if they run scared she'll have to go, as I know they are not ideally suited to a 250 anyway.(

Anyhoo, I guess what I'm saying is that they might not give the 'schooling' effect you are after - I guess there is only one true way of finding out!




Well, I have received some very good answers. Thank you. I have decided against putting them into my tank. I can't see upsetting the balance of my tank when I have everything running perfectly. Thanks Guys
Especially since they are prone to ich/sickness.
Sorry if I offended you JCGardener. Anyone even mentions my triggers in any way of bad or they shouldn't be there and I kind of take great offense to it because of what they mean to me.