willing to trade aussie lords

fish wilson

have a 6 head x-mas lord, getting ready to frag a hundred head met red and gold stripe with blue centers lord and a red green and purple lord . im looking for colorful montys- rainbo, supermans, purple rims, ect. thanks fish


Well-Known Member
I will have to grab my camera next time I am out at his place. His stuff is amazing! I have never seen corals the quality of his before... so many in one collection anyways.


fish wilson

sorry it took so long go to my gallery to see the lord. thanks fish

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Well-Known Member
Nice looking lord. Wish I had something you were looking for. Good luck with your trading.

fish wilson

thanks craig, what does the cap look like. i also have another six head of x-mas lord . which the diff is instead of gold stripe it has metalic green stripe and metalic red and green center, ive got some that are realy close to fragging but they are color morphing to purple, red, green, and orange. i noticed the orange last night when i was hand feeding them. so i might wait a week or so on them. if you have any more questions on them let me know. thanks fish