Which is better?

Hello, as my reef is growing, i want to start dosing instead of doing heavy water changes. Which do you think is better to get and why? One is a powder you mix and the other is in liquid form but is already mixed with Calcium, MG,strontium, and potassium. So which one should i go with that will last me the longest so i dont have to keep buying more and more.

powder: Two Part Calcium and Alkalinity Total Package (Large) - English

liquid: Brightwell Aquatics Liquid Reef 500 ml - eBay (item 260556908279 end time Dec-17-10 17:18:15 PST)

with the liquid i will also be getting the iodine --> Brightwell Aquatics Iodion 500ml Iodine Supplement - eBay (item 250643182687 end time Nov-28-10 09:54:19 PST)

and will i need to get the alk one as well? The liquid reef says "Increases alkalinity to help stabilize pH", so will i still need to buy the alk dosing?

heres a link to the alk: Brightwell Aquatics Alkalin8.3-P - Dry pH Buffer & Alk - eBay (item 140465809061 end time Dec-13-10 08:08:21 PST)

thank you for any helping answers!


Well-Known Member
Hello LuckyReefer,

Has your water parameters changed so much that you feel you have a need to dose? What are your test results?
It is hard to comment on how to dose if we don't know the reason why.
That being said, the powders will last longer and be more accurate if you measure the correct dosages out. It is more work but I rather dose something I have more control over then an already made product.
I hope this helps some :)