which fish?


Im looking at getting a new fish tomorrow for my red sea max 130 which has only got a royal gramma and a common clown in im looking at these fish please leave your recommendations:

Midas Blenny
Sunrise, Orchid, Sankey's or Neon Dottyback
Bicolour Blenny
Bristletooth tang or rabbitfish
Dwarf Angel
A wrasse that dose not go into the sand any ideas? was hoping for Fairy or Possum Wrasse
Neon Gobie

Which of these would go nicly together for the future and for what i have in now?


Well-Known Member
Midas Blenny is a great fish - I like fish that play well together :dance:
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes


Well-Known Member

to ReefSanctuary, a real Sanctuary of reef forums, with lots of very nice members


Here is another link that may give you some more ideas... Nano Fish


Well, if you can and your LFS has them in stock, I would try a Carcharodon carcharias. Pretty easy to keep and no problems feeding those. Only thing to keep in mind with them, they don't really like very high temps though ;-)


I'd go for the midas or bi-color. The six line wrasse looks really nice and should be OK with your other inhabitants because your gramma is in their already. I've heard they can be a little aggresive but I guess it just depends on what else your planning on getting later. To be honest it can be a bit of a lottery guessing which fish will fight with others and which will nip at your soft coral etc.

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
Yellow spot sand shifting goby's are one of my favourites. They gently turn the substrate over and keep it clean.


Active Member
do fairy wrasse go into the sand tho i have read flasher and possum wrasse dont so maybe looking at them

Some need sand but most can do well with just having plenty of hiding spaces. They are very shy fish at first and will want to hide. After they get used to the tank they will add a lot of color and activity to your tank. I am running a wrasse only reef with no sand. If you have questions about a specific type of fairy wrasse, let me know and I can give you their specific needs.