What is this and how do I get rid of it?


New Member

Is this brown hair algae? (Center of pic). I have snails and hermit crabs. They don't eat it. When I try to pluck them out, they retreat into the rock. How do I get rid of it?

Thanks for your help



Well-Known Member
aiptasia X, Joe's juice, some use kalkwasser paste or boiling water injected in to them. Try to control them now or they will spread like weeds. I have one or two pop up in my tank every now and then and my tank is 15 months old. I use Aiptasia X. Some folks might suggest adding livestock that eats them, such as peppermint shrimp, copperband butterfly fish, berghia nudibranchs. Unfortunately the fish and shrimp are hit and miss and the nudibranchs will die after all the aiptasia is gone.


New Member
Thanks everybody! I got Aiptasia-X today and blasted most of them. Some were pretty tricky, so I couldn't get them all, so I got a few peppermint shrimp for the rest of the cleanup and upkeep. I hope it works.