water problems


i tested today and found my tank nitrates was up to 20 i have not had any problems in months for some reason i thought i should test my water change container and found i have even a high nitrates in it ... it a40 gallon storage container with ro water and reef crystals mix together for water changes with a small filter to circulate the water... where would the nitrate be coming from???:eek:


Check really good to see if anything died, had it happen before. Might be gone by now already decomposing. I would just say do some extra water changes. you can google the nitrogen cycle and basically Fish food/waste/"dead things" (turn to ammonia) then bacteria convert it to nitrite, then nitrite is converted to nitrate.

Please correct me if Im wrong.

If this is just a water change container then maybe old "dirty" water was in there and just dirtied the new water.

just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
A nitrate reading of 20 is not unusual in a tank. It's more than you want, but it's not "off the chart".

You indicate that your water change water shows nitrates. This is usually caused by the water you are using. Check out your ro unit. You may need to replace it's filters. I suspect you either have a problem with the RO membrane filter, or are bypassing it.

Test the nitrates in the water produced by the RO unit to track it down. Also consider adding a DI unit after the RO unit. Your "small filter" used in mixing night also be a source, especially if it's become a dirt trap, and not cleaned.

It is also possible to get nitrates from the salt you are using or from the container used to mix your salt in, but these sources are unusual.

Once you get the source of the problem tracked down, so large partial water changes should solve the problem in the main tank.


Sorry, missed that one "the filters" when I was having theat issue, my LFS told me it might be the carbon cartridge that's what I was told


no al its a filter not a power head im going to get a power head but thought it would be ok to use filter till i got one... nitrates in the water change unit is at 40ppm should i just throw away this water and start over or try to bring the nitrates down it takes me a day and a half to fill it with water with the ro unit i have
I would bring some water to a LFS to check the nitrates there. just to verfy your test kits are good. I have heard of bad test kits making people chase thier tails before.


If you are going to be around the LFS I would do what themanthelegond check you kit. I use to use an external filter to mix my water, the problem that I found is you have to make sure clean the filter really good befor useing them. If there is media in it and you only use this filter for WC's Things in the media will be decomposing and can cause this. Mainly the filter can be dirty. IMO make new water, it going to take time for this filter to grow bacteria to combat the nitrates, and usually water changes are done to get rid of nitrates. "clean the filter really good especially if it also used to take water out of the tank"