Water from Water changes


Active Member
i put it in a tub for the next water change. by taking it out of the tank and letting it circulate by itself the parameters restabalize and can be reused. you can do this up to 8 times before having to get fresh water.

old water, i pour down the sink. not sure how the grass would fair with the salt...


Well-Known Member
Yes it will kill the grass and any nearby plants if you dump it outside. Plants don't tollerate high concentrations of salt very well, that's why there are only a very small handful of true plants that can live near or in the oceans.

I have to admit that I dump my saltwater down the drain. While I know this isn't an ideal solution I don't have anywhere else to dump it.


Active Member
ok, before anyone goes sideways on me...i was kidding about recycling your water :)


i'm wondering. If your sewage system runs into the sea, could it be possible, though remote, that the sea in your area is receiving eggs, larvae, etc, of sea creatures not indigenous to your area?

all those "rich" seawater from tanks being dumped into the sewage system may introduce non-native animals into your sea. just speculating here....


I dump mine outside on a stone patio. I have NO weeds growing up between the patio blocks.

I'm sure if I'll do this during the winter months or not, as I think it would freeze and I'm sure I want all that ice around the house.

I'll have to give it some thought.



Well-Known Member
I dump mine in the drainage ditch at the end of the property. I am on septic and afraid of what the salt will do to the system. As to introducing non-native critters if it is going into the sewage system, they treat all of the water so heavily that I doubt anything would live through that.
With just dumping it, I suppose it is possible.
BTW, I still have plenty of weeds in the ditch, but it does seem to slow the growth somewhat.


Hmmm....may have to try dumping it in my driveway. It's gravel and I get weeds popping up all the time.