Water change out frequency

tank stalker

Active Member
So I was wondering what frequency can I do 50% water changes to knock down my Nitrates ?

something smells fishy


Well-Known Member
you should be careful doing such large changes as it can upset the balance in your tank.
Is this saltwater or fresh water tank ? You may get away with 2 50% water changes in a week but it would be better to find out the source of your issue.


Well-Known Member
I actually don't really know the answer to this question. I do 20% water changes weekly. I know that's a big amount, but it works for me. I did a 40% water change exactly once when I started to have a GHA problem.

I've never had any issues, but I really have no idea how much is too much.

tank stalker

Active Member
Its a saltwater system desmond. Diana I was doing 20% weekly then got busy with my business and felt behind. :-( and because it's a 30 gallon tank with no skimmer it didn't take long for the Nitrates to build. Just wanted to take a bigger chunk than 20% a week to get them back down. Thank god the 2 bigger tanks maintained perfectly fine .

something smells fishy


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, when your doing these water changes are you trying to remove as much detritus as you can each time as well? If your nitrates are high then obviously your tank is working too hard to process all the crap that's within. (bioload) Water changes are great and all, but you need to get to the root of the problem first. Just as an example, if a fish died in your tank you might see a nitrate spike until the fish is either removed from the system or devoured by some of your inhabitants. Until this time though, water changes will only be diluting an otherwise existing problem. JMO, GL.
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Well-Known Member
Its a saltwater system desmond. Diana I was doing 20% weekly then got busy with my business and felt behind. :-( and because it's a 30 gallon tank with no skimmer it didn't take long for the Nitrates to build. Just wanted to take a bigger chunk than 20% a week to get them back down. Thank god the 2 bigger tanks maintained perfectly fine .

something smells fishy

That makes sense. It sounds like you have a good handle on the source of the problem (time to do maintenance on a tank with no skimmer). So, I understand wanting to know how aggressively you can clean it up. Sadly, I just don't really know where one should draw that line.


RS Sponsor
Sounds like perhaps you are feeding too much possibly? I agree with the hidden detritus somewhere, that will boost the nitrates. Not having a skimmer wouldn't cause it to jump up fast, and regular 15% weekly water changes should be able to properly maintain the system.

High nitrates may not be a good enough reason to do 50% changes, you could shock the system and stress out everything in it. The only reason I would do a 50% is due to high phosphates, and that's about it. That's just because you risk killing livestock with the phosphates, a bit more deadly than nitrates because the phosphates could reduce the water O2 levels.

If they nitrates are high, do a 25% water change at the most, once every other day until they are set at desirable levels. When I do this, I get my dedicated 45 gal Rubbermaid trashcan and mix it all up with saltwater, then leave a circ pump in it at the star of the week, so it makes the every other day water changes a snap.

The rule of thumb with anything like this is, "if in doubt, don't do it "- unless someone else can prove that it is a safe solution.



Well-Known Member
You can do 50% water changes, but you need to be extremely careful about matching SG and temp. As pointed out bu others, it's often not a good idea.

I think your really asking the wrong question. It seems your tank has a nitrate problem. If you don't fix the source of the problem, you can do all the water changes you want, and it will not go away.

You mention that your tank doesn't have a skimmer. You may want to consider getting one for the tank.

tank stalker

Active Member
It does Dave I have a few things going on. When I first started this tank I didn't know any better and used crushed coral and no skimmer and didn't put in enough LR it's what I get listening to my chain lfs. That was before I found this forum. Now I'm just trying to fix things. But like I said earlier got busy with my business and neglected my tanks for a bit and it got away from me.

something smells fishy