Very glad to see some new members!


Active Member
Hi Everyone, I am very happy to see new members joining! i am sure you will find it a very rewarding experience in RS. you couldn't ask for a better friendlier and helpful group of people. i was into salt a number of years ago, but moved, let things go etc, so I tore it down. Then last year, I dove back in and to be honest I learned more here in the first month than I had in a few years on my own trying to arm wrestle a SW tank that I really didnt know how to take care of. The people here were Invaluable!

I hope you enjoy chatting and exchanging ideas with us to further the hobby and our own satisfaction while sitting down and looking at the marvel of a mini ocean we have in our homes.

If you want to check out a previous thread I put up about it you can see:

Enjoy RS and please ask questions... No one gets flamed here, just a bunch of very nice smart people who are more than willing to share their experiences and knowledge.

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I lovin RS so far. I've learned a ton and everyone seems so nice. It's why I logged on to this site in the first place.

It does feel like I'm in the boys locker room sometimes, but that just adds to the charm! ;)

Only problem is I spend too much time here.