Things i'll never have in my tank period!!!

Which ones you'll never have, or have again in your tank

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Years ago, when taking a high school biology course, they described a weed as a plant out of place. In other words, it was not the plant itself that was a problem, it was where the plant was growing.

Most of the livestock listed falls into such a category. By itself it is fine, often interesting or desirable. The problem comes about when you want to keep something else with it.

For example, most people wouldn't want a mantis shrimp, but to those few that are willing to dedicate a tank to it, a mantis shrimp can be a fantastic thing to have.

Good analogy Davek, and if I had extra time, knowlege, and tanks, I'd try most, if not all of what's on that list. But, one weed I would think twice about before adding it to my display tank is caulerpa. I have lots of it in the fuge as a breeding place for pods, etc. but it's been a pain to remove from the main display. My fault for not asking a few simple questions first. I see damsels mentioned at least four times here so I figured I would mention that I keep six species here, two of which are breeding, and my 125 gallon is all theirs.:makefun:

1. Caulerpa of any kind
2. blue-legged snail murderers. Crabs limited to lazy red-legged hermits.
3. Any fish that are too large for my tank, and any fish that are not considered reef safe; no fish that I almost never get to see.
4. any kind of slug-like animal that poisons the tank when it dies.
5. planning to trade in my turbos at the lfs
6. anemones
7. corals that require more light than most others
8. corals that have to be target fed more than once a week