The eye candy trap caught me big time


Yeah, I've been doing some asking around, and so far, I've been pointed down the Gold Coast for a single store, Sydney for 2, Melbourne for 3.

Unfortunately, everyone seems to be so completely backward here, it's like this crazy new invention, you might have heard of it, it's called THE INTERNET, has passed over 90% of any businesses you come in contact with. I was thinking about getting a web designer to help with my site (isn't up yet) and he goes, oh, what are you writing it in, and I say MS ASP.NET using Visual Basic.NET with some ODBC components. :confused: was the look on his face.

So, if I want something, I email around. I might get a response in a couple of days, if I'm lucky. Pictures are usually out of the question, and sometimes even prices?!!?! I mean, what, you don't want to sell the things?

So I'd have to go down to Sydney, which I ocassionally do for business, buy whatever, hopefully they know how to pack things, drive it back up with my ears laid back. Or, order it and hope for the best, that they don't send me something that's not broken, or dead, or whatever. I am very appauled at this whole situation.

The only solution I can think of is go the other way, 2000 kilometres north to Cairns, because it's my understanding that they give divers permits to collect stuff. I used to get discus from there that were pretty top notch, and the trip is fairly long, but obviously doable.

This not being able to get equipment in a captial city is going to stop though. I'll make sure of that.

Enough of my rant, tankgirl, the cheese - I believe - was made from pastureized (?) milk, possibly homogenized as well.

That whole, raw milk thing doesn't sound too groovy after all. I'm not sure what Undulent Fever is, but it sounds remarkably unpleasant. The use it throughout Europe for cheese I think.

Playa: Yeah, it's not too bad, it's a pity I'm a night owl and work constantly. Very rarely see a sunrise or a sunset, with the sunset right now being just to the right of the centre of the photo.

What I'd really like to do is move another half hour out, further inland, where you can pick up a couple of acres for ooh, about $AUD30,000, and build a house out there. I saw a plot of land that was about 5,000 acres, had twelve streams, deer wandering freely, but it was going for 5 million. A little bit out of my budget, and the business dictates that I no live any further out than what I do now.


Active Member
Cairns sounds too far - too long to get your stuff back home? Unless you could air-overnight it home and have someone there to acclimate and get everything in your tank.

Re; the net - although the LFSs in Sydney may not have a website, I'll bet anything they have email. If so, maybe you can establish a relationship with them and have them email you jpgs of stock. Then you can just call and have them air-overnight anything you want.

Looks grand (to me) right where you are!


Yeah, too long was my thought, but I used to get discus and they arrived in pretty good form, and discus aren't the most hardy of fish either.

Yeah, I tried the email as well, but I might as well send it by post. Everyone seems so frightened of being undercut by another store that they are really touchey about giving out details or prices. If I plan to get anything from there, I'll have to go see someone next time I'm down on business and try and work something out with them. It justs boggles me though, a major city without a store with reef supplies. <sigh>

Yeah, I like it too :D. Probably cause I used to be a farm boy, got an urge to own my a plot of land. :p Grow some Macadamia trees or something. :smirk:


Active Member
David I have an idea. How about if you fly all of us that are interested in visiting you in your chunk of paradise and we just have a Forum meeting at your place for a week or so?

In the meantime we can help you set up your new system. I volunteer wiht the aquascape and eating a couple of zoanthids.

Wow you got a view. It is Majestic David.



The engineer did come, but his was an architectural engineer, and apparently I need a structural engineer. This kind of thing I don't know much about, so I'm probably getting shafted, but anyway, that one should be here on Tuesday, so nothing should be too far off schedule. :rolleyes:

Luis, this is probably going to make you cry, but where I used to live up north of Cairns makes this place look like a hole in comparison. Small town, perfect beaches with nice fine golden sand, funnily enough though, no waves, rolling country side, and 15 minutes drive was the rainforest. It'd be 45 degrees and you'd walk into the first 10 feet and it was like airconditioning. Keep walking in and there was probably one of the most beautiful gorges you have ever seen, with the water running straight off the mountains.

Used to play hookie in high school and head down there when it was too hot, which was, oh, like 6 days of the week. And the ozone layer was completely intact so you'd very rarely get sunburnt even in the middle of summer.

Errrr, okay, if I get any ticking packages in the mail, I probably won't open them... :D


Active Member
eating a couple of zoanthids
:laughroll :laughroll :laughroll :laughroll
Seriously, Luis, I think once is enough!

David, sounds like paradise, no doubt about it! But, the area in Brisbane where you live looks pretty wonderful, too. Are you close to the ocean?

btw, deg C to deg F
(degC times 9/5) + 32 = degF
81+32=113 deg
Last edited:


Reasonably close to the ocean, but the beaches here are absolutely shocking. In consolation though, we have the Gold Coast south, and the Sunshine Coast north, about 30 minutes either way, which are pretty much some of the best beaches you will find. Well, except for the odd tourist ummmm, dying, each year.

I think I like Farenheit even less now. It makes it seem a lot hotter :D . It's gearing up for 40 degrees C at the end of the week :eek: so it's going to be a doozy.

And on the tank front, the structural engineers gave the okay for the hole in the wall, the design will be finished today, and then the builders will hopefully be in this week. Hurrah!


Active Member
"Well, except for the odd tourist ummmm, dying, each year."

Sharks? Octopus? rip currents? Homicide?

So I guess this is why we are not invited:)


Active Member
Too funny!
That's great about the builders! Wow, you're moving ahead fast!

Have you decided whether you'll have a substrate or go bb? The advantage of bb is you can turn over really big volumes of water (good for the corals) without stirring up a sandstorm. It'll also mature faster. The stumbling block is the look, it just bothers some reefers. But, a bb works on the principle of getting bad stuff out before it can break down - whereas the substrate works on breaking the bad stuff down.

That Eric Bornemen book on Corals is really good, in case you want to start reading up.

Don't get an anemone! That's another one that won't make it until the tank's been up for a year.


Hey don't get me wrong, I quite like Russell Crowe, you've just got to take the mickey out of people once in a while. It's the Australian way.

tankgirl, I know this is going to irk a few people, but hey, sucks to be them. :D Substrate is the way for me. Back in my fresh water days, bottom dwellers were my thing. Pictus cats, Corydoras, plecostomus, even the humble bristlenose were my favourites. The discus / cichlids / whatever else were simply inconsequential to what went in the bottom. And from what I've been reading, you can't really have bottom dwellers without substrate, so it's the way for me. Also, I'm not really hip to the bare glass bottom jive, so there you go.

Breaking the bad stuff down will work just fine for me; the algae scrubber I have planned will keep that under control. Well hopefully it will be big enough. With the algae scrubber cross sump I'll have drilled in it an extra couple of holes for maybe a sea horse tank to go through the wall into the next room. Something like a 2' 6" cube or something. Cause I like sea horses :) . So I'll just hope that it's big enough to support that much bioload. Time will tell, anyway.

Yeah, I'm hip to the whole anemone thing. None for me for quite a while. As for books... Well, that's kind of in the lighting basket; trying to get anything decent is nigh on impossible.

Speaking of lighting, I go into one of the better known LFSs in town, and see a semi decent reef setup. Promising methinks. See a curved 90 degree tank with a 250 watt MH suspended above it, and two 175 watt MH pendants point at the sides at 45 degrees through the curved part of the glass. After reading some of the library forums links about refraction and reflection this strikes me as a poor idea, but that's another story. I think, metal halides! Great! Ask one of the four staff about it, three don't know, the last guy just simply said "6 weeks". How about prices? I'll have to call back next week. What about if I need more bulbs? 6 weeks. Yeah, nuts to them.

That's alright. I have a plan for getting the equipment :evileye:. But these books are proving to be a problem, even at bookstores and the local library, but I figure one evil scheme is enough for the time being. :)

Thanks for the general help, opinions, and general conversation, I'm trying to go as fast as I can to get the equipment in there, but no one seems as interested in it as I am, funnily enough.


Active Member
David, Cool that you like substrate critters and corals. I love my plate coral, in my small tank (I'm selling that tank to a kid from the lfs because the maintainance on too many tanks is killin' me). Anyway, I think most people prefer substrate, so you won't hear any complaints.

6 weeks is pretty absurd. You could order them from here or Japan and get them faster.

On the books, can you order from Amazon and have them shipped?

What size tank have you decided on?


Yeah, quite literally, I could get the equipment faster on a slow boat from China.

Good thinking on the books. I keep forgetting about the likes of Amazon. Online shopping in this country is extraordinarily poor, so I usually forget about it as an option.

As for the tank.... I've gotta confirm that by Monday. I'm thinking along the lines of 5' 6" long, about 3' 4" wide, and 3 ' deep. That'll fit in just nicely. I figure the extra 6 inches deeper shouldn't cause me too many problems light wise, as - from what I've been reading - judicious choice of inverterbrates towards the bottom of the tank will solve that problem. But if further research suggests otherwise, well, bigger lights for me.

Enough talking, off to Amazon to look for books!


Well-Known Member
Dave, you can actually reach amazon thru RS....check out the left hand column on the home page.


Active Member
Sounds great! The only issue I can think of about the depth is that you'll need more LR to get your light-loving corals up high enough in the tank.

Hope you found good stuff on Amazon!