Tenneti Tang sick, need help


Hello all,

Just got back in town from the holidays and I noticed that the Tenneti/Leiutenant Tang in my reef tank is acting weird. He usually is a nervous swimmer and a hearty feeder. It is swimming in place and now has lost a lot of weight and is developing what looks like pigment loss in various areas. They look like white spots but there is no slime like ick. He is getting very skinny and barely feeds at all. I sure would hate to lose him, can anyone shed some light on this for me? All comments are sincerely appreciated.




Well-Known Member
Im sorry your tang isnt doing so well... Tangs can be a very good indicator that the watre parameters may be off... Check all water readings, Temp, salinity, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.. Keep as stable as possible and fix any bad readings...

It also may just be sick and I would soak all its food in a blend of garlic and vitamins... Selcon is what I use for all my fish and seems to work very good..


Thanks for your help. Water quality is basically perfect and Ive never really had any problems past the initial cycling loss.
The tank is about 1 yr old. I add garlic at every feed. What other vitamins are good to add?

Do you think its worth trying to catch him and treat him in a smaller tank? If so what should I do?


**** Thread moved to Fish Diseases & Treatments where it can get the attention it needs****


Well-Known Member

Sorry for the problems your Tang is having. I'm afraid that there is a lot of missing information in order for me to make a more definitive comment.

What I haven't seen in your posts and that I'd like to know:

What is the size (dimensions and gallonage) of your aquarium? Does the gallonage include the volume from the sump and any refugium?
Do you use carbon, skimmer, mechanical or other chemical filtration?.
List all specimens & sizes in the tank (fish, inverts, corals, clams, snails, crabs, shrimp, etc.).
Do you use a quarantine tank and procedure?
Foods you use and feeding schedules.
How long have you had this fish?
Was the fish de-wormed when you acquired it?
What does its feces look like?
Do you use any vitamins? Fat additives? Any elemental or other additives? Please list all.
Chemistries – you gave none, but I don't go that route. I like details and actual numbers -- real ones, BTW obtained through test kits. Do you test for Phosphate, alkalinity, calcium and magnesium? Please give actual current numbers for everything. Have these numbers been changing lately?
Water parameters – please give actual numbers (pH and your pH range, salinity or sp. gr. & range, temperature range)
Do you see any of the following in your system: hair algae; micro algae; cyanobacteria growths (red slime algae); dinoflagellate (zooxanthellae) growths; brown algae; diatom growth; slimes; off-colored patches on rock or substrate that are not coralline; etc.?
Water changes (how much and how often).
What is your source water? (Tap water, RO water, DI water, RO/DI, distilled, etc.)
List what you added or taken out of your aquarium system (living, decorations, and equipment) during the past 6 weeks.
Maintenance schedule. What have you done lately?

Lastly, a photo would also help. :)