Stubborn ich or something else?


I am helping a friend with this ich case. He bought a porcupine puffer more than 2 months ago and QT'd him in a 50 gallon tank. The puffer started showing signs of ich in a few days so he started treatment with cupramine. Since then (more than 2 months ago) the puffer is still in the QT because the white ich spots are still on his body.

The puffer is very playful, eats like a pig and swims all day. He also does not show any other ich related symptoms (scratching, being lethargic, ...)

I personally tested his QT's water params a few times and the results are as follows:

PH 8.1
Salinity 1.024
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates ~10
Temp 79

He ran the treatment process 3 times (14 days on-14 days off) and there are still white spots on the body (in fact they never "dropped" as in any other ich case that i've ever encountered). Him and I both tested the copper during this time with two different sets of seachem tests to make sure its in the effective range.

Does anyone have any suggestion on how we can heal this little guy?




Active Member
If it were ICH it would have doped off along time ago. Maybe flukes or something else?? but def not Ich.


I agree with you. I don't think its flukes cause per seachem's website cupramine should also treat them.


New Member
30 gal with 25 lbs live rock, 4 damsels, 2 peppermint shrimp, 5 snails, 5 hermit crabs.
1.026 SG
PH 8.0
Ammonia 0< 0.25
Nitrite= 0 ppm
Nitrate= 160 ppm
I have changed 10 % of the water for 2 weeks now and I cant get the Nitrate down. I have been using Melafix for a 1 week but he still seems like he cant see. The only way he eats is if I hand feed him literally, any advice would be appreciated. I had him for 8 months and never any problems until now.