Stocking question


I'm looking to stock my tank but not all at once. I want to know what each fish might need for them that i might no know. Tank is a 58gal with a 20 or 30 sump depending on what i can get to fit in the stand.

1 Jawfish (4-5 inches of sand) What size sand and or kind
1 Royal Gramma (?)
2 Clownfish (hiding places and its getting an anemone and hopefully they will host it)
1 Copper Banded Butterfly (hiding places and extra care on feeded, make sure he eats before i buy)

What am i missing.


Google Warrior
Best thing to do is google each species you plan to keep, if you do that you will find species specific care sheets and will have all the info you need.

There are also compatibility charts on some sites that help you decide if the fish can go together.

The list looks good except for the copper banded butterfly, they will get to big for a 58 gallon.

Good luck on your search! You are on the right track researching first :)


Yaa i know the CBB will get to 7-8 inches but im hoping that by the time that happens i have my 200gal wall tank. Pluss how long would that realy take 2-3 years before he out grows my 58.

All the fish are peaceful fish except for the clowns when someone comes into there space.


Copperband Butterflyfish
(Chelmon rostratus)
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Difficult

It is best housed in very large reefs, or in peaceful community tanks. It should be kept singly, not with conspecifics or similar butterflyfish, and should not be kept with any stress-inducing fish. Caution should be exercised if housing these fish in a reef aquarium. They may pick on invertebrates, especially anemones and feather dusters. They are an excellent fish when used to control aiptasia, or glass anemones, in the reef aquarium.

The Copperband Butterflyfish is a difficult fish to feed; it is a shy and deliberate feeder that may need a variety of foods offered to it in order to start feeding.


Yaa i know the CBB will get to 7-8 inches but im hoping that by the time that happens i have my 200gal wall tank. Pluss how long would that realy take 2-3 years before he out grows my 58..

Goober35 it's best to stock per the ADULT size and not "hope" for a larger tank later on. :nono:These suggestions come from years of experience and losses not just a best guess. Why put the life and health of the fish at risk when you can make a solid and intelligent stocking plan for the tank you have now. :dunno: Then in the future when you DO get that 200g system you can add the CBB at that time and have a peaceful ecosystem.


All the fish are peaceful fish except for the clowns when someone comes into there space.

In a 58 gallon tank, the whole tank will be their space. Clowns defend a large territory measured in SQ feet, and it expands as they age. That is if they are so inclined. A lot of individuality with these fish.

Also, Jaws and anemones are not always a good match. Jaws don't always have sense around anemones and can be caught. Pick your nems out very carefully.


Goober35 it's best to stock per the ADULT size and not "hope" for a larger tank later on. :nono:These suggestions come from years of experience and losses not just a best guess. Why put the life and health of the fish at risk when you can make a solid and intelligent stocking plan for the tank you have now. :dunno: Then in the future when you DO get that 200g system you can add the CBB at that time and have a peaceful ecosystem.

When i say hopefully i mean hopefully a 200gal but if its not a 120gal. I will have a bigger tank in 2-3years no mater what. But if its sill not a good idea i will have to get something else.

The nem and the jaw i did not know about.

Any other miss matches that i need to know about.