

Well-Known Member
take the stump of the leather and take a rubberband and put the rubberband around the rock and the stump twist and repeat.


Ok, thanks tru. I guess where I over think this is....to me, I'd think the leather would want to be upright, and the rubberband deal would obviously not leave it that way, but more on its side. At any rate, I will figure it out! Thanks friends, I will keep you posted!


Ok, thanks tru. I guess where I over think this is....to me, I'd think the leather would want to be upright, and the rubberband deal would obviously not leave it that way, but more on its side. At any rate, I will figure it out! Thanks friends, I will keep you posted!

One bit of advice... Stop thinking it through :) Just do it and you'll see just how easy and simple it is.

An alternate method (and you've probably already read about it) is to use needle and thread. YES needle and thread. It's similar to the "Rubber-band" method but some people like it better. Try this link...

Leather Coral Attachment - Coral Shoppe


I am totally guilty of over analyzing this! I get it from my mother, blame her.

Ok, seeing those pics helped. Would you wait for it to split itself, or just get it over with now...it's SO CLOSE!