Skidder84's Question/Rant Thread...


Getting a discourage, idk how to arrange my LR. I just thu the rock in there for the cycle, but wanted to arrange it so it will at least look good thu the cycle. Yes I have looked at Alot of pics but still lost.

LR just throw in there


Me trying to place it in looks the same to me




Well-Known Member
I don't have design gift, but I like caves & height, if that helps any. Also think about lots of places to mount corals, so like more light & height will help them. Your last pic looks like some natural reefs I have dove, remember as corals grow, they will hide lots of your rock any way, look in my RSM 250 thread at the start & end, hard to see my beautiful rock & scape, with all the corals.


Well-Known Member
+1^, think of the rocks as the frame for your coral. It's really a lot more as a major part of your filter but it's still just a coral base frame. Turn your rocks, try different ends, stack higher or in islands. Don't be afraid to add more rock to get what you want. Just think about flow thru the rocks and fish that want to swim thru and hide in all the caves/openings you can make. Your first few months you can change it at will, just have fun finding what you like While it's much harder to do, 3 years into my tank I'm still changing/adding rocks. Good luck!


Has been struck by the ban stick
Lookin good.

If all fails just remove n start over. Been there done that. Look for pieces to make caves n ledges on!

Matts DROIDX via Tapatalk


Thanks... Ok now how long till I can buy a clean up crew? After my tank completes it's cycle?
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New question...

So I just hooked up all 4 of my power heads...
Here's my Q.

Are they all this loud? (I have 4 1200 maxi-jet)

Will I need to leave them on all the time?

Should I leave them on during my cycle?


Well-Known Member
Looks good Kevin.


Take all of those little pieces of rock in front on the sand, and move them. I like to see a little bare sand, and it leaves nice places to put corals that have to be all the way down on the bottom. especially get the pieces off the front and side glass. dont leave anything near the glass if possible (and you have plenty of room there)

also, leave the powerheads on all the time. yes, they make noise. just wait till the skimmer and pump are hooked up. LOL.


One quesiton, is your rock leaning against the back wall?
If it is you should try to move it forward as big rock "lumps" that dont get enough water movements can mess you water chemistry up by creating nitrate pockets


Well-Known Member
Looks good! FWIW, I spent the entire day arranging my LR and still wasn't happy. I changed it later, lol!


Active Member
All pumps will make some noise, but maxijets are just plain loud. I had 2 of them and now only use them for mixing salt water tucked away in my laundry room where I can't hear them.

Rockscape looks great!


New question...

So I'm having some diatoms grow... But on one rock there a spot where there's no brown (diatoms).


Also I see that theres more intense diatoms closer to the light and only where tha light is hitting the rocks.

So light grows diatoms?

Pics will be up in 10 sec..


Has been struck by the ban stick
Sure light grows algae then when ur cycle is they it keeps it away. Have u bought ur cuc?

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Well-Known Member
Might take a turkey baster & blow it off the rocks. The white spots on the rocks are where there was coralline algae that died, most likely from being out of water an exposed to air for some time period, would be my guess, no harm, it will grow back.