Show your Water Change "stuff"


We've talked water change this... water change that.... until we're "Water Changed" blue in the face.

(those are just a couple that are "current" right now)

How about we "Show Off" how we do it. Let's see pics of how you do it from the simple bucket/can & hose (that would be ME) to those UBER nice and fancy almost automated valve & pump & magic change stations. (Be warned... if you post a fancy smancy water change station you may be asked for detailed information and labeled parts in the pics) *S

Let's see your STUFF!

(PS I especially want to see Lynn's but her pics have to show the water shooting all over the place JUST like she describes!!!!)

I'll get pics of mine tonight (at work right now).



Well-Known Member
I'll go first


Starting on the right, on the wall is my RO/DI unit which fills the first barrel. There's a float switch in the barrel, so the RO/DI unit knows when to turn itself off. A maxijet 1200 is switched to fill the second barrel when I need to make new saltwater. I flip a switch, and the RO/DI water is piped into the saltwater barrel.

The saltwater barrel has a heater, a mixing maxijet 1200, and an airstone running all the time. There is a switched maxijet 1200 in there, too. When I want to add nsw to the sump, I flip that switch and nsw is piped into the sump.

The sump is a 100g rubbermaid stock tub. The ASM G2 skimmer lives in there. Here's a picture for Lynn, because she loves ASM skimmers :D


There is a maxijet 1200 on a switch in the sump. I flip that switch when I want to take water from the system, and it goes down the drain to the city sanitary sewer system.

It's not pretty, but it's simple and it works great. That's exactly how I wanted it.

I use up the barrel of saltwater completely, then I make a new one. Takes about 2-3 weeks to do that. When I refill the saltwater barrel, I use 26 cups of Reef Crystals salt mix and that generally gets me to 1.025 salinity, with a pH around 8, calcium around 420, mg around 1300, alk around 8. I do have to fiddle with the amount of salt I add, occasionally. So, sometimes the barrel will be mixing for 48hrs before I'll consent to using it.


Well-Known Member
Why have I been mentioned twice before I even see the thread? LOL
Actually I am going to try my first water change by myself today. Usually hubby does it or we do it together. He has been working so much that I made him show me how the hoses and such go. I know the rest but there have been so many different hose configurations over the years, I got confused.
I don't know if I'll be able to take pics and do the change without actually getting the pic Al wants but I will try. I have already been warned that if I get saltwater on his car in the garage I should just leave before he gets home.
Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I'm proud to be a bucket mixer. Barb is just an over-achiever! :D

Awesome Barb, I'm moving into your basement.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I'm proud to be a bucket mixer. Barb is just an over-achiever! :D

Awesome Barb, I'm moving into your basement.

I'd love to have you here, Mark. Hey, that whole get up was John's idea! lol I'm glad, though, because it's really easy.


Well-Known Member
I had to add salt so it will be at least late today if not tomorrow before you get entertaining pics from here. Maybe I will do it tonight and let Frank take pics while I do the work.
It's not really work though now. Other than Barb (who started out with an awesome system) most of us started with the bucket and maybe a power head. I know I did. Then it was on to trashcans and more and more tools to make it easier particularly if you have a larger tank.


Well-Known Member
:D I want to say that my system is the result of researching before setting up. I joined RS in Dec '07, but read here for a couple of months beforehand. My tank didn't get wet until April '08. Well. I leak tested it before that, but the actual set up happened in April.

Learning as much as you can before you set up takes some of the anxiety out of it. I still felt lost-in-the-woods a lot, but I can't imagine stepping into this without studying the way I did.

Yes, Lynn, have Frank take pictures while you do the change! Then I get to see your smiley face!


Well-Known Member
Hey Barb. Yesterday was Asparagus. He hated it but ate it. You should see the faces he makes.
(Sorry for the threadjack AL)


Well-Known Member
:D You tell Frank I am uber proud of him! I'll bet by the time MACNA rolls around he's gonna be a vegetarian! lol


Active Member
I had no idea how fancy some of your set ups could be!!

I just have a plastic tub, heater, powehead!! Then again I only have a RSM so only looking at small amounts of water

Fascinating to see your set ups though - would be great to consider when we get our next tank.......!


Well-Known Member
i'll i have is a bucket and a ph... for now. all will be changed when we buy a house and the 55g is running (insert evil laugh here :D)


:D You tell Frank I am uber proud of him! I'll bet by the time MACNA rolls around he's gonna be a vegetarian! lol

I'm sending Frank a HUGE Prime Rib to go with the Asparagus *holds nose when just saying that stuff*

Barb your research and dedication to detail (of maybe John's) really shows. You think yall can come help me set mine up when we build the house?


Well-Known Member
Frank is yelling at me cause I didn't give him enough credit.
It was a stir-fry and he ate asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower. "Three of the most toxic substances on earth. It is like drinking cyanide."