Should I be concerned about my anemone?


My LTA has been moving around on its rock the last few days and has come to attach himself to the outer edge of the rock- facing out to me. I guess I'm so used to seeing them facing up towards the light. He started a few days ago acting like he was melting but I found that he was probably just expelling waste. Since then, he's moved to 3 different places on the rock. He is fully open- I'm just wondering if his behavior may signal a problem coming on. He's been in my tank for 3 weeks- he's been on this rock for almost 2 years.

Water tests say:

Salinity 1.24
Nitrate 10
Amonia .25
Phosphate 0
Calcium 440
KH 10
Temp 78

This was him a week ago...

This is him now...


Well-Known Member
So, this is a new setup and a few weeks old? From your water parameters it looks like your going through a cycle. The anemone cannot handle these water changes and is uncomfortable. That is why it is moving around so much and expelling it's fluids. I suggest doing water changes 2x a week for two weeks. 30-40% minimum until you get the ammonia and nitrates down to zero.
BE sure to test the new water for salinity, temperature, nitrates, ca++, MG, PH and KH prior to the water change. This is best done 24hrs after mixing so all the salt dissolves by water movement with a powerhead.
This is going to help the anemone adjust to it's new environment. I do not recommend feeding it either until it looks solid and rooted in a new spot.


Its actually not a new setup Frankie- I did add 2 new pieces of rock- including the one he is on- and a little more sand that I had rinsed thoroughly. I figured this may have thrown me into another mini-cycle. I have been doing about 20% water changes once a week since I got him.


Even if it is not a new tank I still think Frankie is right and +1 on his suggestion. It sounds like you caused a cycle by adding new LR.



Well-Known Member
Even if you ignore the cycle aspect (which I wouldn't) the nem is in an entirely new environment. It is going to need some time to become comfortable and find the place it likes in your tank.
Also, do you have the appropriate lighting for an anemone? Just a thought.


Thank you! I did a water change again yesterday, and after every one he gets a little more happy. I have the rock he's on at the top of my aquarium- approximately 24 inches from a 150W metal halide. I did some reading prior to getting him and know that the MH lights are the best for them but there was a large discrepancy over what wattage was best.


Was the Anem under MH lights at the pet store? If not you may be compounding the problem by light shock which normally is deadly even to corals.

Best wishes,



I didn't get him from a pet store. I sold a clients house and he had to break down his tank so I took the rock and some fish. The LTA was on was of the rocks. He had 2-250s over a 6' 150 gallon setup in a canopy. He seems to be moving away from my light. I'm thinking of moving his rock down lower in my tank to see how he does.


As far as moving the rock the Anem is on please read Frankie's Quote above. He is right in that the less you mess with it the better it will be. The Anem will go where it wants to not where you want it to. Another way to think about it is an old song. "Let it be" he he he.

Just don't follow that advice when you have water quality issues :nekid: he he he.



So here is where my anemone has been the last month. His tentacles have never extended again but he is still responsible to touch and there is no smell associated with him at all.

Suggestions? I really hate to lose him if you think he may recover. Some days he's bigger than this and some days he's not. I'm at a loss because it seems like he really has a will to live! :)




New Member
i Read somewhere that if the tentacels, are little stumps like that, he doenst have enough food. So he will eat his own tisseu to stay alive.

Perhaps you should give him some food and get him high up in the tank near the lighting ?


First off this is not an LTA, (M. doreensis a.k.a. long tenticle anemone), its a BTA, (E.quadricolor a.k.a. Bubble tip anemone).
That being said, looking at the latest picture of this nem it is on its way out and quickly. It is extremely bleached(a term used to describe loss of Zooxanthellae which is a symbiotic algae that grows inside the anemone which gives the nem its food.) you can tell its bleached because it looks white.Another sign that this anemone isn't doing well is that it has consumed its own testicles trying to restore some zooxanthellae.

The only way you can save this anemone is by keeping pristine water conditions. All prams must be at 0 and no fluctuating variables like salinity, temp, and ph, keep them stable!! (Usually BTAs can withstand nitrates phosphates and sometimes ammonia, as long as the Salinity, ph, and temp are always stable.) You need to supplement the BTA with food since it lost all its zoo, that is if it still eats which at this point seems unlikely...

Good luck with your anemone and do some more reading about the specific anemone next time before you buy. This is a good site for you anemone, and should help you in the recovery phase if it has a chance.


Thank you so much for all your help! I will see how it goes with him. If nothing else, I may pull him out and put him in a 10 gallon by himself to see if I can bring him back without harming the rest of my tank.


Unless that 10 gallon has been up, running, and stable for a while, I would advise against moving it. Another tank transfer, a new one at that, would likely be its demise. Just try to get everything stable in your tank, quickly, and see if you can supplement some vitamin soaked food to the nem. Do some readings as well, good luck!


JeF4y- I wasn't going to say anything. I knew he might be doing bad but that would be the worst! :)


Hrmm, I remember coming across a thread a while back where someone made the same spell check mistake, I was laughing hysterically..... that being said :smack: :hammerhea