Sapphire's Tank (RSM130)


Well-Known Member
A lot of people don't have them for that reason...I have over 100, but I use them for CUC mostly instead of snails.


Active Member
Definitely Glenn! That's why I have that quote on my posts!!!

Anyway, I got a surprise addition to my tank today - a new young flame angel! :) I went to the shop on my back home form the airport to pick up astrea snails (and not hermit crabs!) and they'd just got some new fish in...... I couldn't resist.

I haven't taken any pictures yet but will try and get some up


Active Member
Hi Emma,
Great to have you back!

Just had a trip down south to Akaroa via Kaikoura and Christchurch. Just south of Kaikoura we pulled over to watch 3 dolphins and realised the waves as far as we could see were dolphins! Must've been at least a thousand of them playing and somersaulting!!!

Flame Angel's my favourite dwarf, look forward to the pics.
I've seen some Blue Legged Hermits in Wellington. Picked up some Astreas as well.

Are you going down the Zeovit route?
Next time your in Wellington feel free to come over for dinner and check out my tank.


PS My parents have finally been red stickered and are looking for a new place!


Glad you've decided to keep the tank going :)

I've got 2 large blue legged hermits and 2 little red legged hermits and 10 astrea turbo snails.

Every one seems to get on just fine (and they've eaten all the hair algae - yay!) I've got lots of shells for them to swap around so they don't look twice at the snails

Although the crabs walk over every thing they don't seem to knock stuff off. I thought they were but they were falsely accused - it was my blenny - literally picking things up in his mouth and throwing them around - like a wrestler on WWE throwing a chair!

Good luck!
Camille :)