SailfinBlenny attacking my seahorse


Well-Known Member
Having a display refugium i've put seahorses on one side and having some experience with seahorses and lots with snails and knowing that snails can devoure your entire collection of macroalgae , i've put a Sailfin/Algae Blenny (Salarias fasciatus) in. A otherwise very frendly fish and with a lively attidude with competitive food wise disposition.

Now how shocked was i when i saw him , grazing on my seahorse. It seemed like it, could it just be that, grazing, but the horse was not impress nor was i. But later he was sleeping near one bigger one male . The seahorses are Hyppocampus Erectus Lined seahorses.

The refugium



Now could it be a one time thing ? I'm worried, never seen a blenny act so agressive like that before.


Well-Known Member
My tailspot blenny guards his barnacle like he's a giant fish. Other than that, he's very docile towards my others.