

Where are they located in your tank? When did you add them?
Do you have any pictures? What are your water parameters? Do you dose the tank ? If yes with what?
People will be glad to help but need some info to go on.


I have kept that type of numerous Ricordia's with good success, so good in fact that I have had to do a pull some out of my tank. Like mushrooms, I believe that they prefer a tank with elevated Iodine concentrations at approx. .06ppm and I supplement with TM Pro Coral Iodine or another similar product as required. Hope this helps.


Make sure if you dose iodine you also test for iodine. Before you start adding iodine check all water parameters if the levels are right make sure that the rics are not getting lighting that is too intense. Next make sure the water flow is "moderate". If rics get too much light or too much or too little flow all will make them "fade". Make sure that the ric is not too close to a more aggressive coral that may be stinging it.


High Quality Water with good lighting is your best bet for these. The lighting may not be sufficient or inversly may be to intense for your particular rics. flricordia *a member on here* is one of the best resources for rics. His are among the best I've ever seen and he's been doing it a long time.

As for IODINE supplementing I just recently added my input to a thread about that.... see it here