Rescued a bubble coral


Well, I went to the LFS to get a black background for my fw tank, made sure I didn't bring enough money with me to buy a nice coral but went to the coral section anyway nothing stood out to me at first until I make my way to this tank with assorted coral frags most of them where dying and really bad looking corals priced very cheap. Among those this bubble coral stood out to me I don't know why but I felt the need to rescue it and find out what happens with it since a lot of skeleton is showing and just a little bit of flesh left of what once was I assume a very nice bubble coral. Similar sized healthy corals like this are usually around $100 at my LFS but since this one was well barely there I snagged it for just $15. Hopefully this beautiful coral will make a comeback in my tank regrow from whats left, that honestly doesn't look that bad I just wonder what happened to it to get like that.

Here's how it looks like after I put it in my tank, I watched it for about an hour and it extended it bubbles a lot more than what shows in the pic.


Active Member
at least it still has bubbles and opens - I would suggest putting it in an area of good light and flow and spot feeding a little (mysis, cyclopeeze etc). You may also want to dip it. Lovely corals when they're at their best - all the best!

PS just be very careful when handling it as their tissue is very delicate and if it's already in a poor state may not react well to any damage.

It also loooks like it's died back to ?four sections - you may want to frag into those sections (although I certainly wouldn't do that yet - you need to make sure that they are now three separate entities)


Thanks for the input I will be very careful with it and I think I found the perfect spot for it., I know it will hard but I will do my best to give it the right care and possibly having it recover.


i would not put those in my tank, looks to me like they have the infamous brown jelly, idk I'm no expert -maybe one will chime in 0o


I've looked at it and I don't see any, it may look brown because the skeleton leftover is quite old and it looks like the the tissue died a while ago.


sorry for the double but I have to update on how it went today.

The bubble coral was all nice perked up today and that seems like good sign, tonight I will be feeding it for the first time and hopefully that will help it recover faster.

here's new pic from earlier today. :D


Well-Known Member
I would hold off on feeding it. It should recover easier in a tank that has spot on water parameter. Corals do not necessarily need to be fed. Replenishing the trace elements via water changes weekly, proper lighting and a stable temperature is what is in demand~


Active Member
I think it looks promising. I would cut it into smaller pcs as well. I think it's unlikely it will grow back over the old skeleton, but it will grow a new skeleton.


Thanks for the tips, I will make sure everything is online and keep up with my weekly 10% water changes like always and hopefully this coral will start growing. Today is more perked up than ever and even the area in the other side that wasn't looking too good started inflating its bubbles very promising indeed and not a waste of $15.


I have a little update on this after about a month of having this coral I've started to notice some more tissue growth and even little chunks of flesh leftover in dead areas have developed little sweepers and mouth. :19: I'm very happy I got this coral now and hopefully it will look amazing one day.
here's one of those pieces(circled) leftover that grew sweepers and a mouth, I couldn't get a good pic so I just have to reuse the one from before to point out where it is.