Red Blaket Slime?


Any ideas to what is covering my live rock it is dark red and kinda looks slimey and when i vacuum it out it looks like a blanket. Any ideas what it is and how to keep it out of my tank?:mad:


Well-Known Member
Pretty much the same drill as wiping out any nuisance algae.
Reduce nutrients is they key
It also like low flow areas so adding so flow to that area can help.
Old bulbs can also contribute.


Well-Known Member
No problem.
I have more experience with that stuff than
I will ever admit. :)
It is a real PITA


Well-Known Member
lol yeah cyano can be a huge PITA, how old is ur tank, new tanks usualy have to run through the gambit of the algae phase which usualy goes brown diatom to hair algae and the rock star of the show is cyano, dont over feed increase flow and ro/di water for water changes and it should (hopefully) not be to large of an issue down the road


Well my Tank is about 15 months old I do water changes with Ro water but I admit I may be over feeding.Here is what I have in my tank 6 head trumpet,4 head hammer,3 small colonies of pulsing xenia,colonie of zoo's,Stylophora. 2 hermit crabs,1 gramma,1yellow watchmen gobie and numerous other little critters that all tanks have. My question how much phyto feast should i feed and how often? Ohh yeah all this in a 24 g aquapod.