Recommended lighting.


Active Member
I have a crocea under the Solaris. I've had it for about three weeks now. Its about in the middle of the tank. I've dimmed the Solaris daylights from 100% to 70% as some of my corals were bleaching a little. After a few weeks of reduced light everything looked better, and the crocea seems to be fine with it. I've noticed that his mantle is the most extended in the morning, but by mid afternoon he's retracted quite a bit. I assume this is an indication that he's getting enough light.


I have 3 crocea in a 40 gal breeder, shallow tank, under 2, 96 watt smartpaq lamps, and 1, 21 watt t5(just because I wanted to get some use out of it). My clams are open and healthy, and have even added new mantle. I do keep them about midway up on the rockwork. I did keep 2 t.croceas in the sand bed under the same lightingfor 2 years, sadly I sold them for a nice profit. Bidg thing with clams, boy do they suck the calcium out of your water.