Really, really bad joke? Your turn


Active Member
I have been accused by some people on more than one occasion of having a pathetic sense of humour. Now I do not for one minute pretend to understand what those folks are talking about. I think my humour is just fine, so I thought I would share my all time favourite joke with everyone here and maybe some folks would add a favourite of their own?

What did one tomato say to the other tomato?

You go ahead and I'll ketchup!!
(Hehehehee!!!! I absolutely LOVE this joke!!!)


Has been struck by the ban stick
Most of my jokes aren't forum friendly... Lol.

...."Fish" Happens!....


Active Member
OK, here is one of those brain teaser questions......

You are riding on a horse as fast as you can go, you are being chased by a lion, there is a giraffe in front of you....... How do you get out of that situation?


Get off the carousel!


Active Member
Why wouldn't the elephant use the computer?

She was afraid of the mouse!!


Active Member
Why do they call it a "roach clip"?????

Because "pot holder" was already taken.......

That was my favorite joke back in the day when I was.....uhm.....having some "scooby snacks"


Why is it a bad thing when your girlfriends clothes don't fit?

Cause she has trying to put your wife's clothes on!!!


Active Member
OK.... those are some realy bad jokes and obviously the pressure is on now!! So............

What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
Nothing, they just waved!!!


Active Member
Tracy and I have slowed our rat race pace and we now survive in an old farm house with some open land, a couple of bush lots and lots of privacy. We fancy ourselves to be hobby farmers and can often be found shopping at WalMart in big clunky rubber boots and outlandish clothing. So now you will have an idea about this next one.......

Why does the milking stool only have three legs?
Because the cow has the utter!!!


Active Member
Tracy is yelling at me through the window to get off the computer and get too work!!!! So this is my last one for today.....

What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef!!!!

Gotta get to the chores.... Later!!


Active Member
This one is just terrible!!

Why did the one handed man cross the road?
Because the second hand store was over there!!


Active Member
This is my last one for today..... I think.....

A sandwich and a banana walk into a bar and ask the bartender to get them both a beer. The bartender turns to them and says "Sorry, but we don't serve food here".