question about water change

as some of you might know already I have been battling nitrates for a while now and I'm at a loss for what to do (20 ppm) for over 2 months now steady !!
I have got rid of media in cannister filter(3 weeks now) just using it for flow only
did a couple of 10 gallon water changes in past 2 weeks (55 gallon tank)
and have cut down feeding fish to once a day..

should I do a 50 percent water change and feed only every other day ??
or just do a couple more 15-20 percent changes over the next 2 weeks
or couple of days?

also I was told about a product by fauna marin that will help control nitrates or infact get rid of them completely
has anyone heard or used this product befor?



Smile Maker
Clint your tank is still young to be have an efficient biological denitrification potential. WCs are the best and fastest way to export nitrates at this point. 20ppm are not that bad. A 50% WC will bring them down to 10ppm. Then another 50% WC in a day will bring them down to 5ppm. Not too shabby. Once you get them where you want them, try to maintain that level by experimenting with feeding and partial WCs to keep them there. For example, more frequent and heartier feedings may require bigger WCs and vice versa. Are you running a refugium?
thanks for reply

unfortunately I am not running a sump or refugium thats something I wish I had set up ,when I set up tank..
definately something I am going to set up when I upgrade to 75-100 gallon tank in the near future..

right now I am just running my skimmer (aquac remorar pro) and cannister filter.
lots of tank flow with my korillia's and maxi jet pumps..

so it would not be a bad idea to do a 50 percent change?
I do understand that my tank is new and the biological filteration in tank has probably not set up yet,I just do not want to disturb that process by doing excessive water changes that might not be needed?
but I also do not want my nitrate level to get to high where it will start hurting my tank and its inhabitants..

thanks again dentoid for help !


Follow Scott's advice and patiently wait & test. Remember that the GOOD things in our tanks take lots of time. It didn't get UP there quickly and it wont go down AS quickly as it went up.

You're on the right path now just ride it out and it will stabilize for you.



Smile Maker
A 50% WC is not going to interfere with your biological filter, just make sure the WC water is close in pH, salinity and temperature as your tank water and to a lesser degree in Alk and Ca.

Scouter Steve

Active Member
If you can set up a fuge it would help tons. My 300+ system went from nitrates of near 20 to 0 in just a couple days. Best thing I did for my tanks.
I would love to set up a sump/refugium but i just do not have the room where my tank is set up..

like i said befor that will be the first thing i do with next tank..

I will keep ya updated on how things go ,in the chronicle section


Well-Known Member
You can have a successful aquarium without a sump, it just takes a little more work, and you can't hide your equipment as easily. When doing a change as large as 50% it becomes more important to have your replacement water match as closely as possible to your tank water, especially if you have inverts (starfish in particular). 20ppm is not that high so don't be too alarmed. If it gets to 35, then you can become more concerned. It sounds like you need to feed a little less, your fish won't like you for a while but they will be fine! I hope all goes well.

thats what I was thinking cutting my feeding to every other day,I know they will be very but hey atleast they do not have the predators to worry about or bigger fishes getting first picks at the dinner table..


I find that slightly hungry fish are also more healthy fish. Now it CAN be over done and you need to research each and EVERY species of fish you have or plan to have. Some species of fish need to be fed more often than that. Some species of fish eat several times a day and some eat ALL day long here and there. You can't go against their genetics but do keep in mind that for the average reef fish they do have "Dry" spells in the wild when food is less available. Honestly I feed every other day or so and my tank seems to be doing better than ever. Keep in mind when I DO feed I still don't over feed. They have such small stomachs that they can't "stock up" on a bunch of food. Any that isn't eaten settles to the floor and becomes the basis for water pollution.

Stick with it and be patient... it will come around with proper care and attention with time. :)