QT everyone for ick?


Well-Known Member
Boom -- good reading, echoed stuff I've read in pieces, especially about ick "always" being present. There's a lot of similarities between other pet parasites.

So in the end I am not convinced it's ick. Could be a parasite, I'm in search of a camera.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Kathy, I didn't mean to suggest that ALL parasites are controlled with a freshwater dip.

Hope you are able to ID soon.


Well-Known Member
No, I know. From what I've been reading a FW dip with methalyne blue is a fair treatment for a good many parasites. However, I believe the question is can I ID this so I don't have to dip or go for a more appropriate treatment.

It does not seem to me that I need to worry about the progression of this while a few days of camera shopping/borrowing and QT setting-up or cycling goes on. PLEASE let me know if there's anything I need to look for that could mean I need to take immediate action.

hmmm. Can you tell I just got done talking business?


Well-Known Member
OK, so I'm watching, today the wrasse is back to his perfect pristine self. Spot's spot is lessened, which seems to me to be bec. the scale is laying back down better. There was a bubble on his tail I thought was another spot but no, thank god. *^$#&*())!!!!!!!!!!!! MICROBUBBLES.
ANYway, no further spots, no one else has them. The observation continues with a 10g QT cycling in the kitchen JIC.