Putt's RSM 250 Reef


Good day to all,

I started my reef on April 11, 2012. This is new to me, as well as posting on forums. Please excuse if not using proper etiquette. It was easier before the computer age, if you got stumped in the middle of a DIY project, you just went to the nearest tavern ordered a beer and before you know it you would have several experts, (all with different opinions) on the subject. I have had a few questions, and the team experts on Reef Sanctuary has answered very professionally; much better than those so called experts that sat on the bar stools so many years ago. Unfortunately the advice received is generally, “you should not have done that, you should have done this.” My thoughts are to post a picture and a short description of what I’m planning on doing within the next day or so. I hope that someone will reply with, yea that’s what I would do, or don’t do that, and here’s the reason why, instead do this. Hopefully this approach may prevent me from creating a disaster. The first picture of my tank, not sure about the rockscape, kind of boxy. My main concerns were lots of caves and good flow behind rocks. Second picture is of my rock and substrate starting to get what I think is a diatom bloom. Please let me know if it is something different, or to be concerned about.
My thanks to all of you that have helped me; I’m sure that I will need much more advice in the coming months ahead.


RSM 250 Coral Reef pictures by Putt001 - Photobucket


My tank is only a week or so behind yours- after about 1.5 weeks all the sand and rock started to turn brown. After adding a few snails, hermits and shrimp, the tank was clean within a few days. I would not worry about it at all.
Does a 250 really only hold 51 gallons? (looking at your sig)
I personally like the rockscape you have. Plenty of caves for fish, and ledges for the corals you'll inevitably add later. And your second pick is a diatom bloom - coming from a guy that started his tank the first of January, this is exactly what it looks like. The good news is that it will pass on its own. The bad - it will most likely be followed by various other forms of algae (green hair, potentially bouts of cyano, etc). Once your cycle is complete (0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, rising Nitrates) - get in touch with John at Reef Cleaners| Clean up Crews and Macroalgae and he'll coach you through getting a 1st class clean up crew (CUC). They'll help immensely in battling the various algae and making up for our mistakes of overfeeding from time to time.

I'll tell you from personal experience here that the advice you receive will be VERY well though out and relevant to your questions. What may seem like a "dumb question" to you, will be answered very politely and thoroughly here. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay! That reminds me, I need to get some new pics uploaded to display where I've come in the 4 months my RSM250 has been running!


Thanks to both replys, all substrate and rock went in first I then measured the salt water water going into tank, 51 Gallons, I have replaced sugar fine substrate with special grade seaflor, i belive the special rade is less dense than the sugarfine, I suppose I now have 52-53 gallons total. I have contacted Reef Cleaners and have received a clean-up crew recomation, can't wait to order.


Well-Known Member
You're doing the right things so far!! The rockscape looks good as long as you have ledges and places to mount corals (multiple levels cascading back).
"51 Gallons"

RSM 250 = 250 Litres. US Gal = 3.8 Litres to the Gallon. Imperial Gal = 4.5 Liters to the Gallon. Guess it depends on your accent..
Rockscaping looks pretty cool!

Diatom normal for new tank (was for all three of mine) but not it seems for my wife's, who's tank was started off by the LFS, using sea water (from the local beach) and decent live rock. She's not had any algae blooms at all. As we seem to be in natural competition its killing me that I am having algae blooms. Has me wondering if using sea water (from a pretty pure location like it is locally) isn't the better option. I have started using this from a few days ago as its more convenient and cheaper...

I've started with salt mix and bottled water (desalinated, how ironic..) and live rock from another LFS sump. Figured afterward that the rock must have been full of detritus and would probably not accept this again.

Tank went through Brown Diatom for a few days, Brown Slime for a couple of days, Green hair for a couple of weeks and just finished a cycle of Red Slime for a few days. Hoping this is the last of it as the tank is finally looking pretty good.


Hey Putt,
Congrats on the new tank. Looks good so far!
I am going to follow your progress an hopefully follow in your footsteps soon.



Well-Known Member
Looks great love the rock & scape !!!



Many times when I run across something that seems is too good to be true; it generaly turns out that its not true. I started my cycle on April 11th. Last night (day 19) the water parameters are:

Ammonia = 0.0; Nitrite = 0.0; Nitrate = 10.0; pH = 8.0; Salinity = 1.026; Temperature = 79.5

Ammonia peaked on day 8, 1.25ppm
Nitrite peaked on day 13, 3.0ppm

Hard to believe that the tank has cycled in such a short time.

I added one pinch of pulverized Omega One flake food. Thought I would continue ghost feeding every other day, and monitor water parameters on a daily basis. I have some algae starting, not sure if enough to support a CUC.

Please; opinions, comments, sugestions.

Thanks' again,



Has been struck by the ban stick
Great amount of rock n looks fantastic. Glad to have u.

........I love the smell of reef rock in the morning.