Porcupine Puffer


So what does everyone think about porcupine puffers. I'm thinking about getting one. They're soooo cute! Are they high maintenance?



90 gal
1- Yellow Tang
1- Sailfin Tang
1- blenny
1- percula
1- mandarin goby
1- coral banded shrimp


Well-Known Member
Well they get very large, and have some mean teeth. Granted they are like big puppy dogs, but they will demolish your 90 gallon tank. First off ANY shrimp, crabs, etc. would be a fast snack. Then they little puffer would probably nip at the fins of your tangs. Plus it may try to eat your little Mandarin. Puffers are cute, but behind the puppy dog face lies a mean little fish. I have played with wild Porcupine puffers in the wild. They are VERY curious fish. They will swim right up to you, it is almost like they want to play. Personaly I think they are best left in the ocean, or in very large tanks. They get HUGE. ~Michael


Well-Known Member
There are actually about 6 generas of fish that are commonly called porcupine puffers. 2 of which show up in the aquarium trade. All I would only recomend for fish only tanks like Michael mentioned above.
FWIW the NC aquarium has a very old specimen of a spot fin porcupine fish, Diodon hystrix, cutely named George approximately 3 feet long :) He is quite a character also.
The one I've seen offered most in the hobby is Diodon holacanthus, the "long spined porcupine fish." Even this fish can reach 15"-18" in size.

Angel Girl

So what does everyone think about porcupine puffers. I'm thinking about getting one. They're soooo cute! Are they high maintenance?



90 gal
1- Yellow Tang
1- Sailfin Tang
1- blenny
1- percula
1- mandarin goby
1- coral banded shrimp

I think porcupine puffers are cute too i want one too but it has too be fresh water cause i hve a fresh water tank :)


RS Sponsor
Porcupine Puffers wil make lunch or a snack of the following

1- blenny
1- percula
1- mandarin goby
1- coral banded shrimp


Well-Known Member
How about figure eight puffers Jack? My kid has a freshwater tank. I never had them and know very little about them. Will they eat small fish? Any good for a 30 gallon planted tank?


RS Sponsor
Everything that I have read about them doesnt point them to be fish eaters more of an invert eater


Well-Known Member
How about figure eight puffers Jack? My kid has a freshwater tank. I never had them and know very little about them. Will they eat small fish? Any good for a 30 gallon planted tank?

agree with Jack, they LOVE little fishies like mandarin, gobies etc. more than shrimps or crabs. Next time i show you a video Frankie.


Well-Known Member
agree with Jack, they LOVE little fishies like mandarin, gobies etc. more than shrimps or crabs. Next time i show you a video Frankie.
I know about salt water puffers hma i was asking about freshwater ones ;)
I would still like to see your video though!


Well-Known Member
I know about salt water puffers hma i was asking about freshwater ones ;)
I would still like to see your video though!

That applies also to most freshwater buffers. My dear friend Martin Hild, a capacity in buffers in Europe, tell us the same to this topic on his puffers web page. The Carinotetraodon imitator is very good for a 30 gallon planted tank!


Bummer! Most things that I have read indicated he might munch on my shrimp, but I didn't think he would eat my other fish! Everything said they loved swimming around with other fish?? Perhaps fish of the same size huh? I do not want any of my fish to end up as snacks! They would be very expensive snacks at that!

So My tank looks empty since the loss of my big unicorn tang. I am looking to fill the space he left as he could never be replaced. I am looking for a fish with a lot of personality that will get along with my other fish. Any suggestions??

90 gal
1-yellow tang
1- sailfin tang
1- blenny
1- percula
1- mandarin goby
1- coral banded shrimp

Thanks Everyone!


Well-Known Member
Yes they will to fine with other big fish, espcially ones that won''t just sit there and get chewed on :)
Tangs, triggers, large wrasses and angelfish make pretty good tankmates. All of which I would call big tank specimens.


Well-Known Member
That applies also to most freshwater buffers. My dear friend Martin Hild, a capacity in buffers in Europe, tell us the same to this topic on his puffers web page. The Carinotetraodon imitator is very good for a 30 gallon planted tank!

Don't they do a good job of munching on snails that eat up plants?
I never bothered learning much on these fish although they seemed to be getting popular when I left my fish shop job.


Well-Known Member
Don't they do a good job of munching on snails that eat up plants?
I never bothered learning much on these fish although they seemed to be getting popular when I left my fish shop job.

Absolutely right Mike. Most freshwater puffer live on snails and small worms and mosquito larvae. They need snails to shorten their teeth.