Picasso pair breeding log


Has been struck by the ban stick
My Picasso pair spawned early this morning. I had been expecting them to lay for about a week so it was good to see it happen. Of course, being as that this is the first time either of these fish have spawned, they both ate the eggs very quickly. What is interesting however is that the female seems to be re-hydrating and they are still cleaning a lot...I won't be surprised if I wake up and find another nest. Anyway, I am expecting them to eat the first few spawns until they get it right, then I will start raising them.

The female of this pair is WC from Bali, purchased in March 09' and the male is of unknown origins (although I still suspect ORA until proven otherwise...).

Here is a video of the pair this morning. Sorry for the bad quality, it was from my cell phone. You can see them picking at the eggs/cleaning.



They look good Colby. i hopw that my black Ocells start spawning in a few months. Let me know when you have little ones to get rid of. I will be looking for some of these guys to add to my clown collection in the coming year.