OT: Baby overflow


Active Member
As any of you with kids knowa they come well equiped to both chalange and reward any parent. Mine is no exception. She is almost five months old and just had another spell in the hospital. The thing is I think they may have added or activated yet another one of her fetures, the automatic overflow. When she eats she will down the bottle then sit up on your lap (with a little help) And the excess formula will automaticly overflow, onto your hand lap legs back or whatever else in within target range. My question for all of you is this. Who installed this and how do you uninstall this feature? LOL I will learn the trick to taking care of this like everything else and will love her just the same. Thought I would share this, mabey some of you will get a laugh or already know about this feature in babies.
As always remember to take car and love your reef, Shaun


Well-Known Member
Very cute. I am not sure you want to uninstall that feature. It will only cause an new feature to automatically install going the other direction. Get my drift??
lol now kids and baby is my special lol since between me and hubby we have five!!
have you tried gripewater??
also infacol it works wonders!


Active Member
When the Feature is outdated they will soon develope the "I wanna play in there" function. This one takes a bit longer to remove.



BTW. Wait till The "I don't need clothes or this diaper" is activated. That one is really fun.


Well-Known Member
You have so many features to look forward to. The fun has just begun.
I don't think you want to block the overflow. That would just cause a flood somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
It looks like water is still in the tank? Is this your way of removing water for a water change? Soak it in the diaper SQUEEZE it out, repeat 10 times.


Active Member
That sounds fun!! Dip, squeeze, dip, squeeze. I know she will enjoy it to. LOL. Oh should I take the diaper off the child?
Yess that was fresh 3day old saltwater.


Well-Known Member
There was, your right Brenda!! Hahah

I have to ask, (just because it confuses the heck out of me, I always want to call you Sam) What's behind your username?


Well-Known Member
It is a combo of 3 animals (Sammy, healer; Sabrina, Doberman; and Fubar, cat that got fubared by a car, after we named him (omen I think)) It's in my email too (my hubby made it up, kinda got stuck with it :))

You can call me Sam, I have been called worse :D


Well-Known Member
Hahah sounds good Sam! Very interesting on how you got it.

HEY YOUR NEXT POST is your 3000th!! :D


Active Member
Ok Yes she was in NICU for marconium asperation (misspelled I know) She weighed 9 lbs 12oz and was 21 inches long. She is now five months old and is doing great. Congrats blakejohn!! The time will pass quickly when you remember that you forgot to get the crib put together when she goes into labor. LOL
I will atempt to get more updated pics when me and the cammera decide to agree.