Open Brain issue?


Active Member
Wanted to see if anyone can tell me what might be going on with my brain coral.

This pic is what it looked like prior to the issue:

Then about a week ago or so this white webbing stuff showed up on one side of it:

Now today the white webbing stuff is gone and I can see the skeleton exposed:

What might of caused this and will it regenerate? The rest of the coral looks great, it's only this one spot.

Thanks for your help.


Active Member
So last night before I went to bed I took one last look into the tank under the moon lights to see if there was anything attacking the brain and saw what appeared to be the brain hosting one of my clowns. The clown did not seem to be bothering the coral, just rubbing up against the middle of the brain and resting in it like it was his bed. Is this a good or bad thing?


Well-Known Member
The thread like thing coming from under the Trachy looks like a spaghetti worm but I cannot be sure. I would not thing the worm would do damage like that.
If your water quality is good and the "irritant" is gone then your Brain should heal.

I had a red trachy that used to host one of my clowns. He would sleep in it just like a fluffy bed. During the day the clown would play in and around the brain and he did no harm.


Active Member
Updates on the coral issue. Water parms are great, any help on why this might be happening? I gave it an iodine dip today with SeaChem Reef Dip.

Taken 5/18

Taken 5/19


Active Member
Any ID on this one? Thinking it may be what is irritating my brain coral. Was found in the sand right below where the brain coral is kept.



Maybe a Turritella communis snail? I don't know how common they are in the aquarium though? I also don't know their common name.
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