Newbie, Mantis Shrimp, No idea... help?!?


New Member
Hey everyone!

So my partner wants a Peacock Mantis Shrimp for Christmas, I've put a deposit down on one with all the kit and caboodle to go with it. the tank they sold me was a £90 acrylic with filteration system built in. Now I have found the exact same one for around £50 cheaper on Amazon and another one for £60 cheaper with a similar spec. Could anyone please look at the two tanks and tell me whether they are any good for around 2.5inch shrimp? The links are below.

exactly the same as in shop:

Similar spec:

Thank You for any help you guys!


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to ReefSanctuary, a real Sanctuary of reef forums, with lots of very nice members

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Sure some members with a nano tank can advise...