New tang!!!!!

And I haven't complained about no2 having enough money I just like to bargain shop and find the best deal. It is in no way to treat a fish poorly and honestly dont know why u have to be such an ass about all of this. Yes I am new at this and dont know as much as alot of people but by no means would I ever mistreat afish


Active Member
That article refers to marine ich as Oodinium in the second sentence, so its credibility is nil.

Do what you want though, just don't act shocked if you get a terse reply when you're posting another thread with "HELP!!!! MY _____ is ____!!!"

And surely don't be passing out advice that you don't intend to follow yourself.


Well-Known Member
wheres the pics of the new tank? I've been eyeballing a 8' tank locally to set up as a shark tank, but i cant convince the wife.
Im not passing out advice that I dont plan on following ive read online that with the size of sailfin hed be okay in my tank for a few weeks untill other tank is up and 100%
This is new tank
Dimenaions are133" long by 33" tall and 36" deep
I got tank and ligjting amd sump set up for 750 its out of tgat stand now mounted in very large closet in basement with hole cut ib wall to view dt tank ill have pics up of it running with sand and lr in the next few days ..... I just finished steel frame and filled it with water sand and rock yesterday and the in some shrimpies!!!


That interesting that same pic and tank is on Craigslist for sale in my area.. Where do you live and how the hell were you able to drop 5,000$ on it.. That is the listing price on CL. Just wondering. Not trying to be mean btw. Just seen it on CL for awhile.


Its sad I was so excited about new fish now im just aggravated
Driftbuddy1988 I have been away from this forum for sometime because I needed a break from all the questions and post like "Help my tang is dieing, I think my fish has Ich, I saved a fish from Petco" just to name a few. After a few years in the hobby it gets old seeing the same threads over and over of fish being put in places were they just die, because someone didn't want to take the time to read and show some restrainte when buying there fish. I think you need to understand that we all enjoy and have a passion for this hobby, and some of us have more experience than others. This hobby has come under a lot of fire because of the amount of fish that don't make it more than a year or two in our tanks that could have lived in the ocean for many years. Tangs are at the top of the list since they haven't been able to breed them in captivity. This makes them a fish that really only the most experienced people should have and that the rest of us should stick to fish that are not being taken from the ocean. With all that said I have two tangs in a 120 and if I knew then what I know now I would have never gotten them.

Good luck on your new tank and try not to get so upset when people give you passionate advise
I have a 46 reef and I past multiple times on tangs even tho I really wanted them. Tangs are probably one of the coolest fish but deff need a lot of room. I don't have enough room for that kinda tank. :)