New Tang - Uv Sterilizer


I am ordering a new tang, I have had serveral in the past...none have passed from illness...water problems. is buying a uv sterilzer a must? Is there any other precautions I should take in advance? should I use a uv in the QT? Tang will be here Thursday.
Thanks, Bubba


Google Warrior
Do a search on leebeca, he just wrote a good thread about UV.

I wouldn't use a uv on a QT tank for several reasons, heat transfer being top of the list.

I don't think you need UV but to each their own.


Thank You All Too Much....just Cancelled The Order Of The Sterilizer. What Do All Of You Do For A Living That You Can Give Such Quick Accurate Answers? I Work In Customer Service 6 Days A Week Therefore, I Have To Ask All My Questions On My One Day Off. Thanks Again, Bubba


Google Warrior
Unfortunately I am laid off, on one hand it sucks but on the other hand it's great cause I get to spend my days with my daughter. :)

She is 2 1/2 so this is a great time for us to bond :)


I'm just lucky that I get lots of "Computer" time. A portion of my job is "Tech Support" (IT job) and if I'm working hard our company is "in theory" losing money. In a round about way they are saving $$ when I'm surfing :)


Active Member
I am glad it was made a sticky, I was looking for one yesterday for this thread on all the other forums but none had one.
BigAl and Eric, see everyone thinks you 2 are low lifes just hanging here with nothing else to do!!!!!! They never ask me, but I am just a unemployed low life since last March, but have 2 interviews this week, and thank you Obomma for for all the unemployment extensions!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!


Active Member
,ruff Monday morning, slept in till 9.30 and here it is noon already and just getting done with checking my 4 forums and posting answers, tuff day so far!!!


I am sorry for your unfortunate situations but think about it this way......if all of you were gainfully employed at the White House, as of Thursday I would be slow cooking a new Tang, out $$$$$$ that I had to work very hard to make.......Like my week .... sold three widgets on Friday......they go on sale the following Tuesday..return them Tuesday them same night at new sale price. Coupon is published on them Friday morning and re-re-repurchase them with an extra 20% Off!! And I have to offer the best customer service and ask if I can carry them to their car for the third time!!! Rather watch fish poop!!!
My husband was down-sized from a Fortune 6,753 corporation and was out of work for 18 months......he took a job to avoid shooting himself and found himself outside sweeping the sidewalk and waving to his former employers as they drove by. He now is Manager of a Litho Division and it is the job of his dreams. One day at a time, don't borrow stress from tomorrow..........there is a plan and you are in it and you will be rewarded for your efforts. By the way it is 10:45 pm, I got home from work at 9:45 and I am eating lemon cake for my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thank you all for being there just when I needed the information......How about the questions that make you think they have been looking too long into the UV me!!!!
Have yourself a happy and Peace till the plan in complete. Bubba