New England Area Meeting with Anthony Calfo!

first I'd like to say thank you to the Reef Sanctuary staff ! thank you ;)

The NHRC (New Hampshire Reef Club) and SWAM (Salt Water Addicts of Maine)Have gotten together to organize a lecture from Anthony Calfo ! It's open to anyone. If you live in the area and feel like going to hear a great speaker and mingle with some friendly reefers we would love to see you there ! :)

We are a small club just starting out this year so we tend to have small meetings .... no telling how big this one might get though LOL ... so come join in the informative fun !

Date: Feb 21, 2009
Time: 12:00noon - 5:00pm
Where: UNE Biddeford Alfond Building Room 205 (University of New England - Media Services - Classrooms - Room)
Subject: Responsible Reefkeeping, including coral farming for a self- sustaining hobby, conservation issues, collection issues and better reefkeeping habits.
Speaker: Anthony Calfo
Cost: $5 for paid members and $20.00 for non-paid members

This meeting should be our largest and is a joint meeting with SWAM (Salt Water Addicts of Maine). We all know that a meeting that requires paid admission isn't the best thing but both clubs are dishing out a lot of money to put this event together and we've tried to keep it reasonable, especially for members.

We're going to be raffling some nice items, including but not limited to an Acclimate donated by Reef Gently, Inc. and an IceCap 4-bulb T5 retro kit fixture valued at almost $400!!! Here's a link to the kit: Home.

Anthony will be holding a Q&A session and will also be signing copies of his books, posters and copies of C... The Journal of Aquatic Science.

We will also be having a tour of UNE's Marine Science Center before Anthony's lecture.

We will also be making food and soft drinks available since this is a longer meeting.

Thanks for Looking! :)
NHRC Treasurer
NH Reef Club - Index


Smile Maker
Anthony just spoke to our local reef club this past Saturday. He's very knowledgeable and a passionate speaker about the hobby. You should get a good turn out for this meeting! Enjoy!
I sure hope folks show up LOL this is the first large meeting with a well known speaker we have organized and it would be nice if it was a success and goes smooth ... we'll know in just a few short months ... I myself am very excited :D


Smile Maker
If Anthony Calfo doesn't draw them in, then no one will! Either that or you live in a dead-beat reefing community! :lol:


Active Member
I grew up in Portsmouth NH but moved to MN (Trust me, its the wife's fault).

Where is the University of New England? I'm familiar with UNH in Durham, but never heard of UNE. Is it new?


I have family in Bangor maine. I currently live in RI. The commute wouldnt be that bad but i dont know who to go with and a 6 hour commute by myself doesnt sound to fun. Youtube it! lol
well i live about 15 20 minutes from Providence, RI LOL if you are really interested maybe we can work out a car pool .. I live in Taunton, MA :)