Never Again


New Member
I got two goldfish a month ago they lasted two weeks. I was so upset so i decided to get another two goldfish once again died in two weeks. I recommend to any new fish owners DO NOT get goldfish they come with deceases and are hard to maintain. Now i've decided to get a bigger tank with salt water fish and coral, really excited:colorful:

But still very upset about the loss of my first real fish, disappointing
I had 3 goldfish. 2 died unexpectingly out of knowwhere. i still have one left. i also have saltwater fish and they are much harder to maintain but at least you can tell about any defects and fix them without and deaths.


Whoa...wait a minute. I'm very sorry for your loss, but goldfish are some of the easiest fish in the world to maintain. Do you know what killed them? Because unless you know for sure and fix that problem, you're going to have the exact same trouble with your saltwater fish only on a much more expensive level.


Well-Known Member

to ReefSanctuary, a real Sanctuary of reef forums, with lots of very nice members


I agree, I've seen goldfish survive in some of the worst conditions imaginable. If you can't keep them alive, then you shouldn't move on to salt water. As posted above, they die easier and are much more expensive!


Well-Known Member
i got a used Honda civic a month ago, but i cant figure out how to change the oil or spark plugs! it keeps dying at stoplights and wont start when its hot... so next week, im getting a brand new Lamborghini! see you guys on the street!

Welcome to RS. Please do some homework before you kill anything else!


Google Warrior
Welcome to RS! All that has been said is true, if your having problems keeping goldfish a saltwater tank with corals is going to cost you 5 times what you spent on the FW setup and more heart ache


Well-Known Member
Goldfish have been kept far longer than any other aquarium fish. They have survived under conditions that would kill any lessor fish. Here are a few pointers.

Goldfish are cold water fish, and should not be kept at tropical temps. Low 70's is fine. They can tolerate colder water.

Goldfish have a heavy slime coat. It's best not to mix them with other tropicals, unless they can also tolerate the cooler water.

Treat their tank as you would for any other fish. The tank must be allowed to cycle, before you add the fish. Don't overcrowd them either, even though this is done often in LFSs.

Skip the cheep "feeder goldfish" they are often maintained in poor conditions. Instead, get the low priced fancy ones such as shubukins or fantails.

Feed them decent foods, not just the bargain "goldfish food".


New Member
Going from Goldfish to a marine setup is not a logical step in terms of husbandry skills, committment both in time and money, and patience. a more logical step would be a freshwater community setup before moving onto marine.