Need to buy a filter.?.


Here is my issue. My tank has been set up since the end of Oct. I haven't had a filter on it, only a skimmer. I do water changes about every 1 1/2 weeks but my tank just does not seem to stay clean and I am having problems with my phosphate levels. All of my other levels are fine. My sand looks brown in places and my rocks look really dirty and brown also. Not as much algae but some. Do I need a filter to help with this and what kind? I was looking at a H. O. T. kind.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Is it a fish only or reef tank? Mechanical filtration is not typically recommended for reef tanks, as it tends to sustain elevated nitrates.
How much water are you changing at a time (& what size tank)?
How much live rock?
Are you using RO/DI or distilled water?
What is your bioload (fish, etc) and how much do you feed - and what type of food? Any other additives? What is the water flow in the tank?
What are your specific nitrate/phosphate leves?


I'm with Teri here. I've been running my tanks without filters now for:

10g = 26 months
12g = 24 months
90g = 14 months

Back away from the FILTER! LOL!

Seriously your Live Rock and Live Sand (if enough in the tank) will take care of most of your filtration needs along with a healthy Clean Up Crew (CUC).

Tell us more about your tank and we'll be better equipped to offer advice to help you help your tank.



55 gallon
56 lbs/ LR
20 lbs/ LS I think. LFS setup my tank so I really can't remember

Lights: Coralife Compact FL 4x65 2 65watt 10K & 2 65watt actinic 03 blue
Protein Skimmer: CPR bak-pak
1 rio powerhead

1 blue-green chromis
1 clownfish
3 turbo snails
10 hermit crabs

1 frogspawn frag
1 button polyp frag

I feed just a tiny bit everyday and watch them eat. I feed either brine shrimp or cyclopeez.


Sounds like you may just need to add a powerhead, upgrade your CUC and increase amount of water during water changes. Also right before a WC use a turkey baster to blow off and suspend detritus so the WC will remove some of it.


+1 on powerhead, that doesn't seem like much flow for a 55! I have one rio and a koralia nano on a 25 gallon, plus a bio wheel filter, protien skimmer and uv steralizer. i still wonder if i have enough movement at times.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Are you using RO/DI or distilled water?

Need to know that (for water changes, plus what the tank was setup with).

Also, all foods should be rinsed with RO or distilled water. Tap water and foods are the primary sources of phosphates.


my topoff water is RO/DI and all of my water I get from the LFS. I have already tested all of my water for phosphates. So the problem isn't coming from the water.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hmmm...okay. That's pretty high. I'd do a couple large successive water changes (around 40%, spaced about 3 days apart), and see where you land as far as phosphate. Make sure you rinse all food in RO/DI.
Just a note - mechanical filtration will not reduce phosphate levels. You may want to look into using Phosban, or a phosphate reactor, but you're better off first determining the source of the phosphate.


Right, that is what I am trying to do instead of just covering up the problem. I am doing my water changes once a week. It is hard for me to get to the LFS to get the water. The phosphates have came down alittle. The 1st time I done the test the color was the darkest on the chart. YIKES!!!!! I might not be cleaning too good. BigAL said to get a turkey baster after my rocks.


I am having the same problem as you and as far as i can tell my problem is i have nothing geting the stuff out of the tank expect water changes. I put a filter sock on my overflow to catch the garbage. plus i am installing a phosphate reactor and a carbon reactor from Bulk Reef Supply - Bulk Reef Supply
I am hoping this will take care of the problem.



Well-Known Member
what size rio are you using? for a 55g i would use 2 koralia 3s opposite side of tank or 2 maxi jets 1200 opposite side of tank


I think that might be my problem youngreefer, I only have one powerhead. I am putting another one in on the opposite side. Hopefully with that and some good cleaning of the rocks things will look better.