Need help refraining myself from murdering my tank!


I need suggestions to help me refrain from murdering my fish tank! I have a purple pseudochromis that is uncatchable! What should I do? Is there a safe way to kill the fish and not bother the corals? Please suggestions


The tank is a rsm 130 and I don't want to really remove the rock. I've made all those fish traps and they don't work with him! He is a genius!


Well-Known Member
Might be your problem. When I used a trap I left it in the tank for about 4 or 5 days until I caught the fish, I didn't remove the trap. I put the food in the trap at feeding time, and let it float out. The fish went closer and closer until they didn't fear it any longer and then went inside. When the fish I wanted went in I closed the trap and had him. For all I know they were swimming in and out of it when I wasn't home.


Well-Known Member
The trap became the feeding location until I caught the fish. I put in whatever I would normally feed, it would gradually float out with the currents.


ya +1 on steves comment. Leave it in for awhile because the fish usually are scared of the trap for sometimes up to a week. Just be patient and sit 6 or 7 ft away from the tank so they dont see you, then when they go in pounce on him :D