mystery wrasse


I want to add a mystery wrasse to my rsm 130. I have 2 true perc clownfish right now and thats it. Now everwhere I read they say the mytery can be in a 30 gal. tank. Would this be ok to add the wrasse. Also the guy at the lfs said they are known for nipping at clams but I haven't found any evidence on the internet. I don't own a clam right now but I would like to in the future. Thanks for any help.


Every site says something different, some say it only gets 3" some say it gets almost 5". Some say 30 gal some say 50. Hard to figure out if it will work with all the diffent information out there. robzilla hows the xenia?


NaClH2O Addicted
I've heard of some wrasses being good predators of the pyramidellid snail parasites on clams. I wonder if that's what they were referring to?


Active Member
If the guys at Phishy say it is ok, then I would trust that. They are a no BS LFS. As for the clams, I couldn't tell you. The only thing I can say is use caution and watch it closely when you get the clam. Reef Systems has great clams and can give you tons of advice on how to pick a healthy clam and the growth rates of all they have there. I forget his name, but the bald guy with all the tattoos that only works weekends is an encyclopedia of reef info.


Every site I go to says something different. One site said a 20g tank will work but they are difficult to keep, another says 30g and easy to keep.