My RSM 130-D


New Member
Hello everyone I just picked up this used RSM 130-D for a great price. I already had a rimless Biocube that I transferred everything over to.

Right now I all have in the back is some filter floss, chemi-pure elite and purigen. Probably gonna make some kind of media basket for it.

I had InTank's Media basket on my Biocube and really liked it so I just might buy one for my RSM if my DIY project goes south. :D

Oh also the tank has a D120 LED light retrofitted into the hood by the past owner.



New Member
Welcome to Reef Sanctuary!!

Looks like a well done transfer from the Biocube.

Thanks! I had the rock work perfect in my Biocube but wow this tank has so much more space lol. I looked at them side by side and the RSM dwarfs it.

I'm thinking about doing the entire back wall in zoas.


New Member
Noticed one of my pumps is making a rattling noise so I ordered replacement Circulation Pump Impeller.


New Member
Just built this media basket last night for super cheap. :)

Not quite finished with it but what do you guys think? Got all the supplies from Home Depot.



New Member
Well done. Will the tank make up the front/back of the rack? Never had a 130 so not familiar.

This will go in the back of the tank. I think that's what your asking. I think you guys with the bigger RSM tanks have a sump right?

Joeys Tank

Well-Known Member
Correct. Was thinking about the open front/back of the basket but the back compartment of your tank would fulfill this purpose.


New Member
My LFS has a used one the next size up for sale for $3200. I wish I had extra cash cause I'd sell mine for it. And yes that one comes with a sump system.