My 14 GL BioCube Oceanic Just Got Here


Hi Guys My BioCube Just Got It Yesterday, But There Was None Instructions, Can You Help Me Out What Do I Do Next???


Active Member
What do you mean by what to do next? Are you trying to hook up equipment? Start the cycle? A little more info and we can point you in the right direction.


Thanks BigAl And Robzilla Yes, I was trying to get everything plug in and start cycling the plug in problem BigAl Resolve It, Can You Guys Give Me A Quick Tips In Order To Start Cycling??


Cycling - Get sand, water, rock and all pumps etc set up and in place. Make sure water is at correct parameters. The next couple of steps depend on where you are at in the process (Live Rock or not etc).

I cycled last tank using 80% dry base rock and 20% Live Rock (guesstimates).

Once all water params are ready you add your biological media: Mature Filter Sponge, Live Rock, etc - anything to introduce some bacteria to the system. ***(don't add your live rock until water params are correct or you might inadvertently kill off your beneficial bacteria)***

Once your bacteria source is added it's time to "Feed" and sit back and watch. I fed mine using a "Deli Shrimp". This is a clean, uncooked, unseasoned shrimp from your local deli. I simply drop it into the tank and sit back and wait. Some people use other forms of FOOD but regardless I introduce some form of organics to feed the bacteria and entice them to colonize the tank. Test your tank often and take note of your tests. This way you can SEE the cycle taking place. This is a good time to read and learn all you can about your tank and the whole CYCLE. Start here

I think most of your questions will be answered in there. I just gave you a "quick and dirty" over view of how I get my cycle started.

Good luck!!